chapter 1

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Voldy was silently sobbing as he walked away from hoewarts.

As he walked he remembered sticking his long stick up hagrids bootyhole.

And plaiting dumbledaddys asshairs.

It was getting dark so he set up camp and pulled the last bit of food he had left. A peach. He bit into it pretending it was snaddys asscheek and a tear slid down his cheek.

He hadn't got to say goodbye to snaddy but somewhere in his mind he remembered the faint smell of his arsehole.

Voldy tried and tried to get to sleep but he couldn't and just decided to continue his journey.

Finally he came across a hut and it was in the middle of a swamp he took in his surroundings then pulled up enough courage to go knock on the door...

Shrek X Voldemort 😫Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant