Chapter 10

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*Finally they shut up....*

You walk into the pizzaria and head straight to the changing rooms. "Hey gorgeous." *Fucking Jack.* "What do you want? I'm busy." You hoped he wouldn't say something creepy. "I wanna hang out baby." *EW wtf no.* "Don't call me that again and I'm going to get changed. Leave me alone." His face seemed to lift when you said 'get changed'. "I could help you get changed baby." He grabbed your waist with one hand while the other starts to roam your body. You push him away hard making his back hit the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He screamed. You ran STRIGHT to Henry's office, knocking quietly on his door. He tells you to come in and you enter.


"Y/n! Its great to see you! What's up?" Henry stops doing paperwork and trunks to you. "I'm sorry to bother you Mr.Emily but I have something to tell you." You were scared. "Call me Henry please! And what is it you would like to tell me?" You took a shaky breath in and let it out.

"Its about Jack... He's been harrassing me and the other female employees and it's making us uncomfortable. Before I came here he stopped me on the way to the change rooms and tried touching me." You were holding back tears at this point. You couldn't stop shaking and your voice was barely audible. Henry stood up and pulled you into a tight hug. "Everything's going to be okay... Your alright..." You broke down. *Fuck Y/n! Pull yourself together!*. No matter what you did the years wouldn't stop. You stayed like that for a while till you calmed down. Henry sat you down in a seat and began to speak. "I can't for him just yet, I'm sorry. We need the other people here to report him in order to fire him." He spoke softly, trying not to overwhelm you.

"I understand that. I'll talk to the others." With that you left his office, thanking him. You go get changed and begin setting everything up for the day. "Y/n, my office, now." It was William.

You make your way to his office and step inside. "What is it?" He grabs your shoulders roughly and shakes you slightly. "Why didn't you tell me about Jack!?" "William please let me go! Your hurting me!" He grip loosens. "Tell me exactly what happened." You looked at him, scared out of your mind. "Well he stopped me near the change room and tried touching me..." He didn't say anything and just left the room.


*Where is he going?* You decided to stay in his office. After a few minutes he came back inside sweating and his hands were bloody. You shot up from where you were sitting and went over to him. "What happened to you?! Are you alright?! Why are your hands bloody?! Where di-" He cut you off and pulled you into a hug. "You don't have to worry about Jack anymore. Your safe now." He was stroking your hair and rocking you back and forth. *What..?* "What did you do...?" You pulled away from him but his grip on you tightened. "You don't have to worry about that now. It'll be okay." You used all your strength to push him away. He had a sinister smile plastered on his face. "You pysco! You killed him didn't you?! What's wrong with you?!" His smile fell and he walked towards you. "I did it to protect you Y/n. Can't you see that? I was trying to keep you safe!" He pushed you and you hit the wall. You couldn't breathe. He grabbed your neck and started strangling you. "I'm not crazy! I'm normal! Your the crazy one! I was only doing what was best for you and everyone here!" He was laughing hysterically. "He was a water if space who didn't deserve to live! I did everyone a favour by killing him!" His eyes were glowing a bright purple. You began to black out from lack of breath.


*What happened to him? He may not have been the nicest person but he never did anything like this before. I can't breath! Everything's going black! I don't want to die yet! Please!* Then the world around you slowly fadded away into nothing ness.

(HEY! I've been posting alot recently! Kinda proud of myself ngl. Anywho! The school holidays just started so I'll try to update a bit during this time! Hope your all doing well!)

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