Part nineteen

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You woke up and checked ur instagram..and tik tok..there were a lot of people hating on u for dating jaden. Suddenly u saw a interview bora was 12 minute drive from ur house to the interview place..u accepted the offer and started getting ready..u felt super sad because of all the hate and just started crying in the middle of getting ready (it was 6:30 am and interview started at 7:3o..eveyone was asleep) you wiped ur tears and did ur makeup again..then got dresses and drinked a smoothie. Then u left the house and got starbucks coffe..u started filming for youtube and started talking abt the fact that even celebrity's can have difficult lives and that its not only what they see on internet..u got there at 7:15 and they did some final touches with hair and makeup and started asking u questions
Interviewer: hello
You: hi!
Interviewer: may we get started?
You: sure
Interviewer: so how would u describe ur life in 3 words
You: chaotic, fun and stressful
Interviewer: i see!
Interviewer: tell us why it has been stressful
You: a lot of crazy things in life..a lot of drama, hate, chaos and just everything is trying to get in track but its..hard
Interviewer: 5 things u love at the moment
You: jaden, my family, waltons, bora bora and the ocean
Interviewer: when is ur next movie
You: i dont accept movie offers yet..i have no next taking the acting phace slowly and we'll see!
Interviewer: we see u have been getting a lot of hate..why is that?
You: tbh...its mostly abt me and jaden dating but if we look at it from another side..people will find anything to hate abt..just anything..if u get hate their happy..thats what they want to do..make u feel unloved and just get u to wuit and give up witch is something a human being should not enjoy!
Interviewer: how had hate affected you
You: pretty badly tbh..imagine waking up and just seeing lots and lots of hate comments on ur posts...its sad and hurtful..
Interviewer: has the hate affected urs and jadens relationship so far?
You: no..we know that these people who hate want the worst and we do not let that happen! We love and trust each other and thats what matters..if we cared abt people opinions we would have broken up a long time ago..thats what i love abt jaden he dgaf abt people opinions..he always says "its my life and i make the choices, they have no right to tell me what to do" and i always carry those words with me and if the hate gets to me i think abt his words!
Interviewer: seems like ur deeply in love
You: yeah!
Interviewer: how is bora bora so far?
You: pretty good. The waltons are amazing and we spend a lot of time together..i love them all so much
Interviewer: what is something u would say to people ur age going through the same thing as u
You: i would definitely say that u need to stay matter what the people say..u are u at the end of the day..its ur life ur choices and those people dont even take 0.01% of ur life..thats why u should keep doing what ur doing and dont give up..ur here for u
Interviewer: and thing u have been fighting with rn?
You: mostly hate..i just- its so hard for me to look at millions of people bodyshaming me, telling me to..kill myself *ur starting to tear up* hang myself and that no one loves hard for a 16 years old to go through that and i just want to have fun with my life..thats what i want to do not just stare at a screen all day long and listen to all these hate comments..abt my body, my love life, my acting, my sh, my eating disorder, my dancing and more.. just hurts me because i have felling too. I am a human and it hurts! No human deserves this! No one! *u start crying*
You: its just..hard...and..tireing
Interviewer: this will be the end of the video
You wipe ur tears
You: byee!
The interview ends and u go back home..ur still filming
Its now 9AM and u go in the house
Jaden: where were u?
You: i had an interview
You went in sweats and layed in bed..while crying
Jaden comes in
Jaden: what?...
He sees ur crying
Jaden: baby..sweetheart..why r u crying?..whats wrong..did i do smoething??
You: its getting a lot of hate..its hurtful!
Jaden picks u up and lays down om bed while u cry in his chest
Jaden: why are people hating?
You: cuz we are dating..and cuz i have bug tights and more..
Jaden: its none if their bussines kf ur dating me or not! And ur perfect..i love ur tights their perfect just like u! Dont listen to them ma..their jelous cuz they cant have what u have
You: still hurts
Jaden: it shouldnt! Ur amazing and beautiful..the most amazing girl i have ever met...ur personality is great! Thats what i love! Ur also hella beautiful and more! I love u more then i love myself! Dont hurts me when u cry love..
You: ily jaden!
You both cuddle and nap for rest of the day

Is this what love feels like....?| jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now