Part twentythree

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Jaden: y/n wake up!
You: whyyy??-
Jaden: its 1pm that why?
You: what? How tf-
Jaden: idk u slept for a good time
You get up and u and jaden walk down.
Jayla was live and u didnt notice u went to the fridge for ice and water
Jayla: say hi!
You: hi-
Jayla: no to the live
You: live?!
U look at the phone.
You: ur live?! Its like idk what time it is but-
Jayla: its 1pm
You: oh yh jaden told me earlier i forgot-
Jayla: u k?
You: mhm.
U pour water and ice in a bug bowl and dump ur face in it. U set 20 seconds on the timer
Jayla: tf is this crazy chick doin'-
You point at the camera
Jayla read the comments
Jayla: its for skin?!
She gets a bowl ice and water and dumps it in then puts her head in.
You get up and so does jayla. U dry ur face and look at jayla
Jayla: wasnt i supposed to?-
You: no *wheezing*
U fall down on the floor and jayla looks at live confused
Jayla: oh now everyones making fun of me!
Jayla: well ima go take a shower
You: k..
She leaves u start giggling
You: she dumped her whole head in the bowl..idiot!
Jaden came down
Jaden: sup beautiful
You: sup love! Oh SHOOT!
Jaden: what?
You: i forgot my online classes! it starts in 5 mins i need to brush my hair
Jaden: i tought u brushed it already..
You: mm no its straightened
Jaden: ooh. No wonder ur curly ass hair as straight! I love u with both hairstyles
You: i love u too! Bye!
U run up brush ur hair and hop
On zoom. After 3 hrs u get off
You: i had all my lessons! Time to study!
U got ur books and started studying
Jaden came in
Jaden: i se a timer for u to be done with school and i brough u iced coffe
You: UR SO SWEET! Thank you love!
Jaden: u work hard!
You: awwh!
U kiss him on the forehead and then lips
You: ty love! Ily!
Jaden: ily too!
He leaves and u start studying
After studying u went down
Jayla: wsup with u and school its 6pm-
You: sorry got a lil carried away
Jaden came from behind and hugged u while kissing ur neck and shoulder
Javon was making tik toks and u guys were in the camera angle.
You: wanna ur a terrible dancer!
Jaden: agreed
U both make disgusted face
Javon turned angrily and started yelling. He got it on camera and posted it
You: noo it was a angle of me and jaden kissing now they gon edit that!
Javon: suffer bitch!
Jaden: ill cut ur ugly head off javon!
Javon: im ok!
Jayla: yall wanna go to arcade?
You: i gotta study
Jaden: same i cant
Jayla: well me wanna and parents will be going and daelo!
You: where are the parents?
Jayla: mall! Their buying daelo stuff..ur moms helping
You: oooh! Whatever i gotta go study! Wanna mind studying with me before u go?
Wanna: ye sure i have maths!
You: same lets go!
U both run up and started math
(Ok so why u and wanna do hw together is cuz ur both home schooled together and u both have same lessons..jaden goes to irl school so he studies alone)
You and wanna finished physics and maths hw before the parents got home!
It was 8pm
Wanna: thanks for helping with physics..
You: i gotcha!
Liss: ok honey we will leave now and both behave well!
The parents left and u and jaden went to ur rooms to study.
You studied for a long time when u saw triplets were live so u joined
Alexa: ooh y/n hop on live!
She sent u invite and u went in
You: hey lex
you: hi guys! I have finals and im studying
Alexa: wait how long exacly has been since we left
You: idk the time ill check..
U checked the time
You: for 3 hours!
Alexa: ITS 10PM?!
You: mhm!
Alexa: have u been studying for this long?!
You: yea
Ur mom came
Elizabeth : let me see y/n
You: hi mom
Elizabeth : hi sweetie! Ur still studying?!
You: mhm!
Elizabeth : honey! Take ur head off the books! U have beeen studying since u got up and even before we got from mall! And after we left too?! Its like 10pm- u have been studying for 9HOURS-
You: no i took a break-
Elizabeth : how many?
You: one..
Elizabeth : after we left?
You: no..trough out the whole day-
Elizabeth : honey! Have u finished writing exam questions down?
You: yes!
Elizabeth: did u learn it?
You: yes!
Elizabeth : then now get up! U have been studying for 9hours! If se consider the 1 break!
You: ok fine im off ill check on jaden!
U went in jadens room and saw him sleeping on the chair
You: no! He fell asleep on the desk! My poor boy!
The fans were crazy
U forgot abt the love so u set ur phone up on his waterbottle and u woke jaden up
You: love wake up for a second! Come on lets lay down on the bed together.
Jaden: mmm.
You: cmon cmon! Ill scrach ur head!
Jaden got up and hugged u from behind and u went in bed. Zyron was in the room.
You layed down on the bed and jaden got on top of u. His head was on ur chest in ur neck and his hands around ur waist and his body between ur legs
You: zyron! Pup the phone.
He got up jumped on the table and brough ur phone with his mouth
You: mom i gotta hang up! Jadens falling asleep and he needs rest! Bye!
Elizabeth: ok!
U left the live and u let jaden sleep. U were playing with his hair and zyron just hopped on the bed and laied with u guys.
U and jaden then both fell asleep

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