My beautiful mother

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The things i hate about my mum i see in myself

The hate outweighing the love more

Because there are no things that i love about my mum

The sharp ends of her broken heart she used to stab my own.

Non removable splinters stuck inside, but hopefully one day healable

Her mothers name never leaving her lips another thing i hate about her that i'll do

How can you say the name of someone who's bruised your soul.

The bruise now black from old age a bruise so dark it looks like a hole.

Now never feeling complete because you see the dark black holes in you.

She was my knight in shining armour but she did not save me, instead she attacked me.

She attacked me with a sword. Her voice.

with force so strong. Her motive.

with sharpness that cut through me with ease. Her words.

And her attacks left invisible scars that are sensitive.

Now i forever hold a shield.

Her strongest weapon was anger

She was like the sun from afar it looked peaceful but up close it would burn you.

Me and my brother were earth we needed her but we were better being at a safe distance and even then on some days we could feel her heat blazing us hotter than usual and sometimes it'll stay blazing for a week then cool down the next

even when we slept there was always a side of us on alert feeling her.

There was never peace with her

The memory of her being the Sun could never escape our memory like a prisoner locked for life.

A generational curse she did not break but instead continued with.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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