Chapter four

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CHAPTER FOUR:  the birthweek song

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CHAPTER FOUR:  the birthweek song

>❣ωαιтιηg ғσя ℓσvε>❣


"Suggestions for birthweek Presents for Trina. Okay. Andre, start us off." Tori says.

"Cheese." Andre smiled, then looking down when seeing the look of confusion or seriousness aimed at him. "Let's not do cheese."

"Robbie?" Tori asked

"Lotion or various lotions." Robbie told her.

"Gross. Cat?"

"Well, for my last birthday, I thought my parents Were gonna get me a bike. But when I got home from school, My brother was trying to cut off His hair. So my mom started yelling at-"

"Jeremy," Tori cut her off.

"Makeup," Jeremy said.

"Oh, that's actually-"

"To cover up her face with a zombie style."

"Okay..." Tori hummed, looking away from him. "Jade."

"Yeah?" Jade questioned, not listening.

"What should I get Trina?"


"Oh, Jade is so pretty," Sinjin said, staring at the girl.

"I will use this straw to kill you," Jeremy says, taking the straw out of Andre's cup.

"Three, two," Jade started to count, interrupting the question 'how would you kill me with a straw?' as Sinjin immediately got up, rushing off.

Andre turned to Jeremy. "How would you have killed him with a straw?"

"That's it? That's your concern?" Robbie questioned. "He threatened someone with a plastic straw!"

"It was Sinjin. Not like he didn't deserve it."

"Does anybody have a good idea about a present for Trina?" Tori asked.

"You people give me a rash," Jade says, getting up and walking off.

"A rash? What kind of rash?" Rex questioned.

Jeremy grabbed the ketchup bottle, sighing a second before popping the lid and pointing it to Rex. "W-what are you-" Robbie was stopped as he yelled when he moved, also getting him covered in ketchup.

"Stop being a creep," Jeremy told.

Robbie's phone run, sighing as he cleaned off the ketchup from him. "It's my grandmother again."

"Who else would call you?"  Rex asked.

"Hi, Mammaw." Robbie says. "Uch, another computer problem?" He groaned, annoyed. "No, Mammaw. I was not being sarcastic. Mammaw, don't...what? Mammaw, don't hang up on me."

"What's your grandmother Bugging about?" Andre questioned.

"She bought a stupid computer And she can't figure out How to work it, So she calls me Like every four minutes For tech support."

"Oh, that's cute." Andre smiled.

"It's not cute. I was at her house For three hours last night And I have to go back again Tonight. Oh, will one of you come With me?"

"Sure, I love old people. It's so cute how they shake When they pour their juice." Cat said.

Jeremy turned to the girl, confused look. "Don't say that. It's rude."

Tori laughed. "You know what That makes me think of?"


"Nothing. Now what am I gonna get Trina For her birthweek?"

Sinjin had returned, holding up a creepy bobble head. "How about a bobblehead That looks like me?"

"My dad's a cop." Tori stated.
>❣ωαιтιηg ғσя ℓσvε>❣

"I'm thinking of making a mini graphic novel," Jeremy announced, when he had heard footsteps approaching his room, stoping at his door.

"That's cool." Beck replied.

Jeremy's head snapped up, shocked to see the other. Jeremy shook his head. "Uh, sorry, I didn't see it was you there."

Beck gestured to the room. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, totally sure," Jeremy says, putting his things away. He smiled at the other boy. "Where's Jade go?"

"I came here for you."

"Really? Why?"

Beck smiled, looking a little confused at first. "You're my friend."
>❣ωαιтιηg ғσя ℓσvε>❣

Apparently Tori had decided to make a song for Trina, who had wolf the song. "Man, I don't even think Jade would do that," Jeremy said, once hearing the story from Andre.

Andre looked down at his phone, as it started to ring. "I've got to take this," Andre says,  accepting the call.  "Hel-" he was interrupted, being quiet. "Shut up." He told to whoever was on the other side of the phone. "No way!"

He ran back to Jeremy, ruffling his hair. "Sorry, Jer, I've got to go. They liked our song, and know Tori is the one who sang it."
>❣ωαιтιηg ғσя ℓσvε>❣

Short chapter, but, I do want some suggestions for a new character for Jade

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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