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I groan in an annoyed manner at the long knocking at my dorm door. I drag my sluggish body towards the door and open it, leaning against the door frame for support. Standing there in all his angry glory is Katsuki with his usual annoyed expression on his face. "Oi idiot, let's go. And put on a damn shirt," he orders. I roll my eyes before looking down at my bare chest. I really am shirtless.  Maybe that's why I slept so good last night. I shut the door in his face before reappearing moments later in my school uniform. My usual earrings attached to to my ears. "Let's go," I sigh to my brother. As we walk downstairs, we pass Mr. Aizawa hopping towards the elevator in his sleeping bag. That's odd. He's never up this early, as the doors close, I lean against the metal walls sleepily. As my eyes close one more, I feel a strong smack to the back of my head. "Wake up. I'm not dragging your ass to class." I roll my eyes before standing up more straight. "Prick," I mutter under my breath while rubbing the back of my head. Katsuki rolls his eyes this time. The elevator doors open and sitting around the sitting area is the rest of the class. Once we step out, Mina throws her arm around my shoulder. "About time you two get down here," she says in her normal perky tone. "The dipshit wouldn't wake up," Katsuki growls. "Oh shut up," I growl back. Before he can respond, I walk over to to the kitchen pantry before pulling out a box of Cheerios. I don't feel like getting a bowl so I sit down at the kitchen island and just eat straight from the box. The box has my name written on it so I don't have to worry about anybody else wanting any. "Lazy," Katsuki mutters, snatching the box from my hands as I'm about to grab another handful. He grabs two bowls before pouring us both some. He reaches in the fridge and pours us both some milk and grabs us both some spoons. At the corner of my eye, I see the class looking at the two of us with amused expressions but, I'm too tired to care. Bakugo and I both finish at the same time and he grabs both of our bowls and sticks them in the sink. Whoever has kitchen duty tonight with wash them. The sound of a voice clearing causes everyone to go quiet. We all turn to Aizawa who's standing by the door, no longer in his sleeping back. Instead, it's draped over his arm. "Stop the chatter. You got five minutes before you're all late," he says before walking out. We all grab our things before walking out. As we walk, Midoriya rushes over to me. "Kazan," he smiles. He's had the nickname for me ever since we were kids. He could never pronounce my name and that's what he came up with. It's the same for Katsuki except he's Kacchan. I guess the nicknames just stuck. "What's up Midoriya?" I ask him. "I was watching everyone during training and I have some really good tips for your fighting style," he says waving around his notebook. It's the same one I bought for him when I found out Katsuki threw it out the window and into an old pond. It has Allmight printed on the front and the back say Plus Ultra written on it. "Thanks, we'll check em out later," I tell him. He walks back off with the group as we enter the building. I take my seat in the class before quickly dozing back off. I'm always like this in my morning class. Not like it matters, I'm passing all my  classes with A's. I just copy Katsuki's notes after school. He always just put h
em in my bag last class.

I wake up to Mina's bright amber eyes staring into mine. "Come on, we have to get to English," she informs me. I nod babyishly before closing my eyes once more. I feel someone tug the back of my shirt and I'm pulled up roughly. I roll my eyes at Katsuki's antics before grabbing my stuff and heading to President Mics class. As soon as I open the door, I'm greeted by President Mics of cheery loud voice. As usual, his loud voice wakes me up. I take my seat in he front and papers set out on each of our desk. "You have a test today so no talking," he informs us all. I pull out my pen and start on the assignment. This is one of his harder test. Apparently we have to translate the entire passage from Japanese the English. "How much time do we have?" I ask. "1 hours," he responds, plopping down at his desk. Sitting in his desk is a fresh vase of flowers that freshen the rooms smell. From who, I don't know. Maybe a lover. Secret admirer? Who knows. Maybe even a fan. 

Time passes slowly and by the time we're done, I feel tired once more. Everyone knows, I'm not a week person. I'm much more awake on the weekends without the stress of school. Everyone deals with their problems differently. I use sleep. Katsuki calls it lazy while I call it dream filled heaven. President Mics alarm goes off and he speaks. "Pens down. Everyone drops their pens. He collects all our papers and sits them on his desk. He grabs a separate stack of papers and sits them on my desk. "Pass these out for me," he says. "I nod quietly before standing up. I grab the stack of papers and walk around the classrooms handing out papers. When I reach Todoroki's desk, my heart beat quickens. I've had a crush on him since the beginning of the year. Why, I don't know. As I put the paper on his desk, he speaks. "New rings?" he ask. I glance down at the silver band on my finger before responding. "Yeah." Katsuki gave them to me the other day. He said they looked like me when he dropped by at the mall for some new sweat pants. He rips his during practice. I reach Katsuki's desk and he's shaking his head with a knowing look. I stuck my tongue out at him hide my blush and give him his paper. When I finish handing out papers, I sit the remaining on President Mics desk before sitting down at my own. The class ends much quicker and we all head back to home room where we have combat and field. The second my butt hits the seat, Allmight burst through the doors. "I am here," he shouts as obnoxiously as ever. Unlike Katsuki, I've never been a huge Allmight fan. I don't hate him, I just don't love him. My favorite hero has always been Eraserhead due to his underground work.

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