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The next morning Elena, Aubrianna, Luke, and his team make their way through the favelas looking for the car before they hear gunshots. Luke gives his team orders before telling Elena to stay put.

Luke's team spreads out through the favelas before Elena starts slowly walking away from where she was told to stay with her gun in her hand. Aubrianna knew that Elena wasn't the type to stay put, so she had stayed close by to keep an eye on her.

Elena notices a man running before quickly running down a street where she can get in front of him. Aubrianna runs after Elena to make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid, Dominic Toretto, the man, looks behind him to see if he is still being followed before Elena blocks his path.

"Policia," Elena says as she points her gun at him. "Get on the ground." Elena grabs her walkie as Aubrianna rounds the corner to see them. "I got Toretto. Four blocks north of your...."

"Elena!" Aubrianna yells as she sees some of Hernan Reyes' men show up with guns at the ready. Aubrianna grabs Elena to shield her as the men start shooting at them before Dom pulls both women behind the corner that Aubrianna had came around.

Aubrianna feels her body tingle from Dom's being pressed against her as her breath catches from her realizing how close her and Elena's faces are. Reyes' men go to follow them but are gunned down by Luke's team. After the shooting is over, Elena and Aubrianna look up to find Dom gone.

"Are you okay?" Aubrianna asks as she pulls away from Elena to make sure she wasn't hit before she notices something shiny on the ground. When she takes a closer look, she sees that it is the necklace that Dom was wearing. Aubrianna picks it up before handing it to Elena. "Not all criminals are bad people."

"Something doesn't add up," Elena says as she looks through Dom's file while Luke's team searches the warehouse where Dom, Brian O'Conner, and Mia Toretto had been staying. "Toretto and O'Conner. They stay when they are supposed to run, they steal gas then give it away? Now they're killing federal agents? It doesn't make any sense."

"Here's what makes sense," Luke says as he takes the file from her before throwing it on the ground, causing papers to go everywhere. "All these guys are, are names on a list. They come up, we take them down. Not a phone call more, not a bullet less." Luke turns his team as Elena lets out a sigh of defeat. "Wilkes, we get anything?"

"I'm with you on this," Aubrianna says as she picks up the file, handing it back to Elena. "Something doesn't make since. They are more than just names on a list." Elena smiles at Aubrianna before they start to listen in to what Luke and his team are saying.

"Standard forensics. Shoes prints. Hair and fiber. Prints are all over the car," Wilkes answers him before bringing him some papers.

"Anything else?" Luke asks as he takes the papers.

"Yeah, we tracked the owner off the vehicle ID," Wilkes answers him with a nod. "There are a couple of shell companies in between, but we finally traced it back to a corporation owned by an investor down here named Hernan Reyes."

"Investor?" Elena asks as she raises her eyebrows before shaking her head as she crosses her arms across her chest. "If there's anything illegal happening in Rio, Reyes is involved."

"Okay, then so are we. Mac, give me a cross check on Reyes, full specs," Aubrianna says with a nod while pointing at Mac, who gets to work on tracking Reyes' activity.

"If he could get us any closer to our guys, I want everything on him," Luke agrees with a nod before turning to the rest of the team. "Hunt, you're on the roof. I want you on overwatch in case somebody comes back for something. Mac, everything on Reyes. If he goes to the john, I want to know how many times he shakes it."

"You got it, boss," Mac says before going back to typing on his computer.

"Wilkes, Fusco! Lets put all this mess back together," Luke orders as he looks around at the car parts.

"That's going to take a while," Fusco says as he also looks at all of the parts.

"Then you better get started," Luke tells him with a shrug. "They were taking this car apart for a reason. Lets put it back together and find out what's missing."

A few hours later, Wilkes lowers the jack that is under the car before turning to Luke.

"Violà," Wilkes says as he motions to the finished car.

"Turn it over," Luke orders before Wilkes does as told.

"She's running on all eight. Checks out fine," Wilkes says before turning the car off.

"Keep looking," Luke orders as he turns back to the gun that he is cleaning.

"Boss, if something was missing, we'd know," Wilkes tells him, causing Luke to hand the gun to Hunt before walking over to the car.

"Did you check every aspect of the radio?" Aubrianna asks as she walks over, causing Luke to open the door before looking inside.

"It's a goddamn shame putting bullshit like that on a classic," Luke says as he looks at the radio-computer. "You may as well slap neon lights on it." Luke presses a button, causing the screen to come out before the screen reads '!ERRO!'. "They took the chip. Good thinking, Yashar."

"We got a hit on the police scanner. Armed robbery at a house in Leblon," Mac calls from his spot at the computers. "Address cross checks against property owned by one of Hernan Reyes' corporations."

"All right, if that's our people then whatever was on that chip led them directly to that house," Aubrianna says as she looks over at Luke, who nods.

"It's them, for sure," Elena tells them with a confident nod.

"How do you know that?" Fusco asks her confused.

"Because no one else in Rio is stupid enough to rob Reyes," Elena answers him as she shakes her head.

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