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  It has been four years since Izuku was born he is now four years old and full of energy. He is walking with his mom and dad to the park where he will hang out with his best friend, Katsuki Bakugo who he calls Kacchan. Izuku's mom is also best friends with Katsuki's mom.

Once, a small family of three was at the park. Izuku saw his best friend playing in the sandbox so he pulled on his mom's skirt and let go of his dad's hand "Mama, Papa it's kacchan  Can I go play please, please?" He asked excitedly as he jumped up and down his tail waging happily behind him.

Inko and Shouta fondly looked down at their son, "Yes, you can." They said

The answer was barely out of their mouths when Izuku bolted shouting. "Kacchan, Kacchan. Hi has your quirk come in yet?" he asked as he made it to his best friend.  The blonde boy shook his head. "That's okay it will come in when it's ready. let's go play on the swings." Izuku said pulling Kacchan with him over to the swing set.

Shouta and Inko watched their son pull Katsuki over to the swings. They walked over to the park bench where Mitsuki was sitting watching the two toddlers as they ran around the park. "Hello, Mitsuki." Inko greeted her best friend as she sat down next to her. Shouta just nodded as his hello as he sat next to his wife. He was extra tired from a long patroll the previous night. They watched as the boys moved from the swings to the play structure. 

The boys were now playing heroes and villains. Running all around the jungle gym as Izuku was the hero and Katsuki was the villain. Their game of heroes and villains came to an end as Izuku lost his footing and fell from the top of the jungle gym. Izuku fell with a scream, getting the attention of the adults who had been talking. Shouta was the first to get up and sprint over to his fallen son. When he made it over he saw that Izuku's arm was bent at a strange angle. He then saw that Izuku had grown a second tail. Inko made it over just a few moments later with Mitsuki who was trying to calm a crying Katsuki.

"We need to take Izuku to the hospital he has a broken arm and also his second tail has manifested," Shouta said as he lifted Izuku gently holding his son to his chest. Inko was next to him whispering reassuring words to Izuku. Izuku tried to wiggle out of Shouta's arms. "What are you doing little fox?" Shouta asked Izuku tightening his hold on him.

Izuku looked up at his dad "I wanna tell Kacchan that it's not his fault that I fell." izuku said to shouta. Inko smiles at her son "He knows that it wasn't his fault he was crying because he saw you get hurt." Inko told her son. 

Izuku nodded and snuggled back into shouta noticing how much his arm hurt he started to cry. "Shh it's okay bud know it hurts we're taking you to the hospital to get your arm looked at and healed," Shouta said gently bouncing Izuku being careful of his arm.

They walked to the closest hospital. It didn't take long to get there. once they were there Shouta and Inko walked to the nurse station and told them what happened. "Okay sir and ma'am I need you to fill out these and then hand them back then we will get you when a doctor is free." The nurse said with a kind voice. 

Izuku had fallen asleep in Shouta's it was time for Izuku's nap so shouta sat down in one of the plastic waiting room chairs asa inko filled out the paperwork faster than what should have been possible and handed them back to the nurse. "Thank you, ma'am, the doctor will be with you soon." He said as he took the paperwork back. 

Inko made it back to Shouta and Izuku. She smiled as she saw that they were both sleeping. Shouta had a protective grip on Izuku his head was tilted back against the plastic of the chair. Inko gently shook Shouta to wake him up. "I tuned in the paperwork it's almost our turn to go in," she told him as he woke up. 

Shouta nodded as a nurse walked out "Aizawa Izuku, the doctor will see you now." he said. Shouta stood up and woke Izuku gently. The fox boy yawned showing tiny fangs Inko smiled at the cute sight as she followed Shouta and Izuku into an exam room. 

"Okay let me take his weight, height, and temperature then the doctor will check his arm and cast it we don't have a healer on staff here so he's going to have to heal naturally." He said as he Shouta put Izuku down to get the first part of the visit taken care of. 

"Do you know how long he will have to be in a cast?" Inko asked as she looked over to Shouta who was lifting Izuku onto the exam table. 

"It's hard to tell without an x-ray to see how bad the break is and I am only a nurse the doctor will be with you guys in just a moment then you can ask her those questions," he told the family as he walked out of the room and to get the doctor. 

Inko looked from the door to Shouta who is making silly faces at Izuku trying to get him to laugh as he was starting to cry again from the pain in his arm. "That nurse was quite rude it was just a simple question." Inko huffed out slightly annoyed at the nurse.

Shouta looked at her. "Inko honey I know that you are worried but you are a surgeon don't you know how long it will take for it to heal?" 

"Yes, but the time for it to heal and how long the cast is on is different some doctors will take it off when it is almost completely healed or leave it on extra long to make sure." She explained As she finished her rant the doctor walked in. She was shocked when she saw Inko in her exam room. "Miss Inko why are you here not like its not good to see you again?" the doctor asked.

Inko looked at the young doctor who walked into the room, "It's good to see you Dr. Zeriegha how is your brother doing?" She asked, "My son fell off the top of the play structure in the local park and your hospital was closer than the one I work at." She said gesturing to her husband and son 

Doctor Zeriegha nodded as she walked over to the exam table where the two sat waiting for her to examine the boy. "Hello, I am Dr. Zeriegha my quirk makes me a walking x-ray so I will use my quirk on little Izuku here and see how bad of a break he has." she introduced herself to them. 

"Nice to meet you Dr. I am Shouta Aizawa and this is Izuku." Shouta greeted the doctor. 

after the introductions Zeriegha got to the exam and used her quirk on Izuku it was a pretty nasty break. "izuku is going to be in a cast for a while two months tops. what color of,  cast do you want  buddy?" she asked him

Izuku looked at both of his parents "I want red." Izuku said excitedly the doctor nodded and left to get the color. she came back and wrapped the cast around the broken arm. 

After she was done the trio went to get fast food and then went home and ate. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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