panic attack (rayxreader)

268 4 3

It's 5 am now cool-
AU: Modern, aged up (17 years old)

Kinda fluffy

A/n: Enjoy reading!~

You have a meeting with a job interviewer in 7 minutes, and your freaking out. When you were 6, your sister died because she had cancer. She was only 14 years old. You can't stop thinking about it, and it's making your anxiety worse. You haven't even told your boyfriend, Ray, about you being freaked out and everything. Usually you tell him when you get upset because he understands and helps you with whatever you're scared about, but this time you think he can't help. He passes by your room (fyi that's where your currently at in this oneshot) and sees you pacing back and fourth in there. "Are you okay Y/N?" He asks you. "Yep, all good!" You lie, giving him a smile. "I know when somethings wrong, and something is wrong. What's happening?" He says as he walks into your room. You just keep smiling stupidly at him. "Nothing! Just thinking about something!" You say, hoping he would take a hint and leave. "Y/N. Why are you lying? I know something is wrong! Just tell me! Please.." Ray says to you. You realize you can't keep lying to him, so you just tell him the truth. You tell him about how your scared to go to your meeting. You tell him about your sister dying. "I'm sorry about your sister. And the meeting; you'll be fine!" Ray says as he smiles warmly at you and hugs you. You start to smile at him. "Can we cuddle?" You ask Ray out of nowhere. "I have, like, only 3 more minutes until my meeting." "Sure, if you want." He says. After cuddling, you go to your interview and end up getting the job. Once you tell Ray he says, "I knew you could do it!"

Word count: 327 words

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