September- 1974 [Part One]

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The morning of September 1st is a blur of screaming, hitting, cursing, and fearful onlooking. In other words, a typical Sunday in the Black household.

In the two short hours between waking up and leaving for the platform, Regulus finds himself thinking on multiple occasions that Walburga might actually keep Sirius from boarding the train this year. Everything he does only succeeds in angering her further.

Thankfully though, both boys make it to Kings Cross in one piece. They follow their mother down the length of the train. Regulus glances up to some of the windows, looking for any sign of Barty having already boarded.

Eventually Walburga stops, reaching a point that she deems good enough for their departure. Regulus waits patiently for whatever final words she wishes to make but there seem to be none. She hasn't made a notion to dismiss them however, and so all three stand in silence. The time slips by them, somehow feeling like three hours and three seconds all at once.

The trains whistle blows. Last call.

Walburga's eyes fix on her eldest son. Her expression is one of deep concentration mixed with something sinister. She doesn't move a muscle, barely even breathes. The pale, imperceptible blue of her eyes nearly doubles in capacity as it takes up the space of her shrunken pupils.

It's a face that Regulus has become all too familiar with. A shiver runs down his spine and his mind subconsciously starts to prepare itself for the push against that invisible wall.

It doesn't come. Regulus's heart relaxes once he knows he isn't his mothers target.

On the contrary, Sirius looks as though he may be sick.

Regulus sees panic flash across his face before it twists into something that could either be disgust or pain. His breath hitches, then starts coming in short, stuttered gasps. He makes a noise that resembles a wounded animal and Regulus watches in silent horror as his brothers eyes fill up with tears.

Sirius never cries.

He continues to let out pained whimpers as his chest heaves, fighting hard against the sobs working their way up. Regulus's body may be frozen but his mind runs rampant, managing to pick out the one and only time he's ever seen Sirius act like this before.

Je suis désolé. Je suis désolé. Reggie, je suis désolé. Vous allez bien. Regarde-moi, tu vas bien. Tout va bien, Reg.

What have you done? What did you do to him?

Aidez-le. Il a peur, aidez-le. Maman—

Sirius isn't screaming this time, but Regulus doesn't know if that's better or worse.

Finally, he hears Sirius take a gasping breath that lets him know Walburga is satisfied.

He glances back at her just in time to see her sneer at them before about-facing. Without a word, she leaves them there to fend for themselves. Her heels click on the tiled floor as she disappears into the crowd.

Once he's sure she's gone, Regulus shoves Theodore into Sirius's arms and grabs his trunk, hauling it along with his own towards the train. The second whistle sounds just as Sirius pulls himself up into the unit. The trains wheels begin to roll and push forward. Sirius falls against the wall, sliding down to the floor with heavy sighs. He hugs Theodore close to his chest.

"Est-ce que tu vas bien?," Regulus asks as he brings his hand up to bite at his nails. He has no idea how to approach the situation and frankly he's scared out of his mind.

Sirius groans, shaking his head a bit. His eyes are closed and he swallows roughly before answering.

"M'fine...just...need a minute..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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