Batch 1 (CLOSED)

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Hi there! I'm so glad you've read till here! If you've been tagged here I suggest you read ahead to see what this is all about

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Hi there! I'm so glad you've read till here! If you've been tagged here I suggest you read ahead to see what this is all about. The deliveries will be made in batches, which are small since I want to be able to balance all my orders.

Comment on the next available slot to claim it! If the chapter says (CLOSED), do not order from here anymore since this batch is FULL. Your order will be denied.

 Your order will be denied

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TEMPLATE NAME: what template would you like?

FONTS: any fonts you'd like? Mixed fonts, number of fonts? Any fonts you want to avoid?

VIBE OR AESTHETIC: cute? dark? tell me your aesthetic!

INFO/CONTENT: (eg. Name, age/liner,, mbti, ambi/intro/extrovert, personality traits, sexuality, friends, lyrics/quotes, idols, anything else you wanna add)

EMOJIS: (any emojis you'd like me to add?)

METHOD OF COLLECTING: Look at the Rules and Payments chapter for the collection methods

EXTRA REQUESTS: Anything you'd like me to do?


PAYMENT: Have you completed the payment yet?

TAGS: Tag at least 5 people

TAGS: Tag at least 5 people

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Slot #1:

Slot #2:

Slot #3:

Slot #4

Slot #5

Thanks for ordering! <3

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Thanks for ordering! <3

Thanks for ordering! <3

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ERISED || A Bio Shop [CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now