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I left the hall to get some air after trying, and horribly failing, to keep it together.

I would've gone to the courtyard but as always people were littered around so I headed to the one place that was always empty. I turned the corner passing the columns of book shelves until I reached the far table in the corner by the window. Hidden behind the bookshelf.

Too my surprise the usually empty library was not so empty as I found myself face to face with Kai sat at the table, in the shadowy corner. My table to be exact. Yes I'm aware you can't claim a public table but I had an emotional attachment to this place.

Spare pieces of paper were scattered on the table around him, and he looked up once he saw me standing there. Setting down his pen, he turned to face me, blinking at me with an unreadable expression.

I knew he'd probably start trying to wind me up so I exhaled in disappointment.

"I'll leave you alone." I hummed turning to walk away but the sound of the boys voice enthralled me to stop.

"Actually," he said, clearing his throat, "I'd prefer it if you stayed."

I stopped walking, almost thinking I'd gone mad from what I just heard. I couldn't be hearing right.

"You want me to stay?" I spoke, staring at him in suspicion. He spun the pen along his fingers, staring at me with the same emotionless expression he held the entire time. It was evident he was trying not to show me what was running through his mind; although I desperately wished he would show me.

"I don't bite," he hummed, breaking his gaze to roll his eyes, "stop standing there like an idiot and come sit."

"I'm not going to sit down if you call me an idiot" I frowned, crossing my arms against my chest.

"Then why are you still here?"

I unfolded my arms, taken back by the question. Why was I still there? I could've easily walked away, or shot back with a witty comment but instead I stood there like a deer in head lights.

"Possibly because I need someone to talk to," I confessed, looking away. "And seeing as you're the only one around, staying doesn't seem like a bad idea."

His dull gaze fell as a small smile tugged at his lips. Barley there but I noticed it as it sent a crashing wave of relief over me.

I pulled up the chair infront of him. He resumed scribbling down the doodles that covered the page. I couldn't see what he was drawing so I decided to look at the boy infront of me. His dark hair fell over his eyes as he drew, casting shadows over the folds of his uniform.

After a few quiet moments he spoke. "Why are you here Lily." He blinked, refusing to look up from his paper.

"I could ask you the same thing," I mused pulling my legs onto the chair, resting my head onto my knees, "I thought you'd be at the courts with Dakota."

Kai pursed his lips, his eyes glued to the paper infront of him, "I needed a break from the blond girl following me around like a lost puppy."

I frowned, "blond girl?... oh, you mean Brooklyn." He narrowed his eyes in annoyance at the mention of her name. "I can't even eat my lunch in peace without her trying to make a move on me."

"I thought you guys were a thing?" I scoffed.

He paused. Glancing up momentarily. "Where did you get that from?" He laughed, shaking his head.

"You're always together and flirting so I just assumed-"

"She flirts with me," he cut me off, "I couldn't give a less of a shit about her." I rolled my eyes, I may not like Brooklyn but didn't mean he could just be rude.

"That was a horrible thing to say." I let out an exhale.

"Not my problem." He mocked. I wasn't sure why I expected Kai to have a hidden kind side to him, but unfortunately I was wrong.

"You can be such a jerk sometimes." I breathed.

"I'm sorry, am I bothering you?" He dropped his pen in annoyance.

"There was no need to be rude."

"What do you want me to say, want me to lie and say I enjoy her pestering presence around me all the time?" I rolled my eyes.

"You know what?" I rose to my feet, "sitting here feels like a waste of time." He frowned staring daggers at me.

"Did you just call me a waste of time?" He seethed.

"Yes I did" I glared. Instead of blowing up like I expected him to he simply laughed. Shaking his head as if scolding himself for something.

"What are you still standing here for then?" He kept scribbling, "if I'm such a waste of time, why don't you go back to sucking face with Riley as if that isn't a complete waste of time." He mocked.

"What's your problem?" I scowled, "I came here thinking that maybe for once you'd be a decent person and listen, but I was wrong, I don't have the strength to fight you on meaningless things when I have bigger problems! My dads in the hospital for fuck's sake!"

Then it hit me saying it out loud. That was the first time I said it since the call. It finally sunk in and I quickly shut down. Taking deep breaths to calm myself.

He paused, locking eyes with me, "what?"

"I got a call," I sighed. "He got hit, he's in critical condition." I clutched my arms a hand clasped over my mouth. Now all I could think about was seeing my father hurt. I hated it, knowing each day could be his last, but I pushed those thoughts away, burried them in the deepest darkest parts of my mind.

Kais eyes glazed over. Mirroring the look I gave him when he told me his dad passed away 8 years ago. He's the only one who really understood.

I backed into my chair, Sharp pains like thorns began to form in the back of my throat, my breath catching in my throat causing me to choke. Despite my attempts, muffled sobs began to seep between my fingers, tears trickled down from my eyelids and painted my fingertips. I tried to hide it behind my palms,  though my attempts were ineffective. There was a pause, before I felt his presence next to me. He held his hand out down towards me as he gently peeled my hands away from my face and his soft thumb gracefully wiped away my tear stained cheeks.

"He'll be ok, but I don't like seeing you like this." I hesitated before taking his hand as he helped me out of my chair. The tension was lifted in a moment of truce.

"You haven't seen me like this for a while though," I mused. He didn't respond, extending his hand to give me the piece of paper and walked towards the door.

He turned to face me one last time.

"I see you," he said, before disappearing down the hall.

I stood there wide eyed before looking down at my hand. Flipping the page over I saw the funny little lines he was drawing were in fact not funny little lines at all but... me.

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