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She has infiltrated every single part of my blasted mind.

I don't know what's wrong with me, I think I'm going mad.

It was just the other night I believed her to be in my room, lying next to me, talking to me, her undivided attention all belonged to me.

Though I blinked and the next thing I knew she's gone, and it's 4am, a dream. I hate her for it. How easily she's crawled into the depths of my twisted mind.

Though part of me ached that she wasn't really there, that is was a dream...

It's been 2 months since the beginning of the school term and each day I find myself more captivated by her. She's changed so much since the last time I really spent time with her, granted we were 15 back then. Yet I still see that in some ways she hasn't changed at all.

She still has a crinkle in between her eyebrows when she thinks too hard about something. The same nervous habit of digging her nails into her palms when she's stressed. She bites her lip when she's concentrated and covers her mouth with her hand when she laughs because she hates the way it looks. Those little things remind me she's still the same lily I knew 3 years ago.

The only difference?

Is that I know she hates me, or at least used to, I hope it's a little less now. I shouldn't even care for in fact I hated her at the beginning. Well hate is a strong word. I don't think I ever truly hated lily, how could I...

Over the past 2 months I think she's finally warmed back up to me, well, it looks like she has, we've been spending more time with each other since being put together for our history project, not to mention that I can't seem to stay away from her, and Ive seen her walls slowly come down around me. The thought of it makes my heart race and I hate it.

She probably thinks my sudden reintroduction into her life is strange, but I've been after her since we were 15. So when she asked me when I saw her... I've seen her everyday for the past 3 years. Not in a creepy stalkerish way but because she's all I ever focus on, all I ever look for when I walk into a room. Wherever I go there's a shadow of her.

Though she would definitely call me a creep again if she knew... how I loved her little endearing names for me; creep, prick, twat, slug.

I've only ever called her one thing; darling. I only used the name as a form of ridicule but she likes to think she can hide the fact she blushes every time I call her that. But, I notice every time.

She likes to act like she hates me too, though that's all it is, an act. It's because Riley hates me, isn't it. I wish I could just squish his little head until it pops.

No, lily would hate me for it.

"Kai!" Dakota nudged me pulling me out of my string of thoughts.

"Yh sorry," I shook my head, causing him to laugh.

"You really hate him don't you," he began and I raised an eyebrow, "Riley." Queue the eye roll. I hadn't realised I was staring so intently at them. I don't actually hate Riley, well it's up for debate. He can be so insufferable sometimes I don't understand how lily puts up with him.

Ever since we were first years we never liked each other. We were competing for top place on the basket ball team so there was always rivalry. Things got worse when he found out lily and I used to be friends and he made it his goal to 'get her' just in spite of me.

In what way he meant get her? At the time I had no idea but it came more apparent through the years. He supposedly had a crush on her but I don't believe it. He was doing it to get to me. And I'll stand by that.

We were sat on the bleacher of the inside courts. Being November now it was too cold to do sports outside.We were in gym class and lily and Riley were on the far end of the courts. I watched as he made her laugh. God how I fixated on that, i would spend an eternity making a fool of myself if it meant I could hear her laugh. It was so contagious.

"I don't hate him." I breathed still staring in their direction.

"Right, you just hate that he has something you don't" he teased. "Jealous Wilson?" He mocked.

"Ha ha very funny." I shoved him in the arm, sarcasm dripping from my words and nothing but complete envy seeping through my expression. No matter how well I hid it, Dakota saw right through me.

And he was never wrong.

"Did you shove Lily against a bookshelf the other day?" An unfamiliar voice rang. We turned our heads to see Ben Raegan staring at us.

"What?" We said in sync. Ben flinched raising his hands in defence.

"It's just that Poppy Price said she saw you shove Lily against a wall the other day in the library, she's been going around telling everyone you have." I don't usually get angry but I could feel the blood begin to boil in my veins. I would never touch lily, well not unless she asked me to-

I chuckled at the boy who sat infront of me. Tilting my head to the side, "well now you're hearing it from me. No I didn't and you can tell Poppy that if she spreads rumours like that again I'll see to it personally that her voice box is removed." I seethed with a gentle smile. That was enough to send the boy running. The bell rang.

"I have to sort something." I mused getting up and stalking out the hall. My eyes flickering to the girl who I've slowly become infatuated by.

I cant admit I'm obsessed with her, but my heart starts racing when she's around and yet, I don't exactly know why.

But... I'd rather her hate me than let another man have her attention. 


I couldn't help myself I really needed to include a Kai Pov bcus he is so in love with her even if he won't admit it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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