Act One: Scene Fourteen

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SCORPIUS and ALBUS run into a room, full of excitement. They slam the door after themselves.

SCORPIUS: I can't quite believe I did that.

ALBUS: I can't quite believe you did that either.

SCORPIUS: Slytherin quidditch team. I got onto the Slytherin quidditch team.

ALBUS: Fourth reserve.

SCORPIUS: But it's a start. Soon enough I'll be team captain!

ALBUS: You are aware that you're an utter fantasist.

SCORPIUS: And I'd agree with you-only I was athletic and a Prefect...

ALBUS: In an alternate reality where you were significantly-significantly more popular and really different-

SCORPIUS: Then logic would dictate that I should be pursuing a career in quidditch.

ALBUS: You know logic would dictate that you're strange? You show no interest in quidditch.

SCORPIUS: Correction, I used to hate quidditch. After that crazy little adventure of ours, I've been wanting to try something new. I think I have a fraction of a chance at this.

ALBUS: And a fraction's good?

SCORPIUS: As I said, it's a start.

ALBUS: So, speaking of little to no chances-what about Rose?

SCORPIUS: What about her?-oh-no, I've decided that I know a lost cause when I see one.

ALBUS: Wow. Did my Scorpius somehow get switched with the one from the alternate reality?

The two share a knowing glance. SCORPIUS shrugs.

SCORPIUS: Perhaps. Are you heading to quidditch? Slytherin are playing hufflepuff-it's a big one-

ALBUS: I don't think I share your interest.

SCORPIUS: Well, people can change. Come on.

ALBUS: I can't. My dad arranged to come up-

SCORPIUS: He's taking time away from the ministry?

ALBUS: He wants to go on a walk-something to show me-share with me-something.


ALBUS: I know. I think it's a bonding thing or something similarly vomit-inducing. Still, you know, I think I'll go.

SCORPIUS reaches in and hugs ALBUS. The embrace is intimate, and they hold for a minute.

What's this? I thought we decided we don't hug.

SCORPIUS: I wasn't sure. Whether we should. In this new version of us-I had in my head.

ALBUS: Tell me about this "new version" later.


The two boys dislocate and grin at each other.

ALBUS: I'll see you at dinner.


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