dey 1, yangling's dairy

30 0 2

"mumy wey doo eye heft two goo two skool", yangling sed, helding her bakpeck.

"sue yoo cane bee smurt", mumy sed.

"but etz unnoyeeng.", yangling cried, eting a peace of brock-lee.

"eye nu, butt goo anywaste.", mumy sed.

"aw", yangling sed.

yangling walkd two skool, yangling finnshed the brock-lee. et wash gouda brock-lee. a grill aproched yangling, biang a menie.

"yu haz oogly hare", sed the menie.

"yu haz oogly face", sed yangling.

"aw", menie sed.

yangling walkd entwo skool, end set dun et desc. techer walkd entwo cless two, end gabe de lessin.

"nau, wat esh too prus fo?", techer sed.

"et esh seex", yangling end menie sed.

"he, eye sed seex forst", menie sed.

"nu, eye sed seex forst", yangling sed.

"okie, okie, enuf childs", techer sed.

"aw", yangling end menie sed.

efter cless, yangling walkd oot uf cless, end menie flowed her.

"wey air yu flowing meh, menie?", yangling sed.

"becush eye went two bee year fridnd", menie sed.

"o", yangling sed.

"weh air fridnds", menie sed.

"aw", yangling sed.

menie flowed yangling beck two yangling's hoose. yangling oopind the dure.

"hoo esh dis?", mumy sed.

"et esh menie, ay fridnd.", yangling sed.

"o", mumy sed.

"eye aim fridnd, yangling's mumy.", menie sed.

"aw", mumy sed.

yangling end menie walkd oopstares two yangling's rom.

"eye haz dollz two pley wit.", yangling sed.

"okie", menie sed.

yangling tuk oot dollz end pleyd wit dem. ay dollz hed feel uff.

"aw", yangling end menie sed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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