Eye of Twilight

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There is a disturbance in the force.  Wait.  As the stars align that seems like a thought from a different universe.  Something is off balance.  That's the thought that floats in easily as I meditate under the night sky.  

Of course, since the end of the war, a whole lot has been off-balance in Ionia.  We retained who we are, our traditions, and ourselves but we lost something that defined us in the process.  

This is different.  Something has left this realm but left behind a missing piece to create havoc for both worlds.  If this has anything to do with Zed.  I sigh.  This most certainly has something to do with Zed.  most of the imbalances in Ionia are due to him and his order of the shadow in some way.  be they directly or indirectly.    

He took everything I had away. My father.  My home.  My sense of who I was and who I should be.  

And yet I can not bring myself to kill him for some reason.  I struggle with wanting to.  Is it because I loved him once as a brother?  Is it because I wanted to agree with his emotional reasoning (if not his method) about protecting Ionia but couldn't disobey my training? Did I secretly agree with his ideals but was too programmed to speak out?  Or is it because his very existence is some sort of warped balance to my own?  

I try to calm myself and clear my head of these questions as I breathe in the night air.  I must be dispassionate to see things clearly.  I must not hate Zed.  Hate is an emotion The Kinkou do not deal in.  Everything depends on my being neutral.  That is where true balance lies.  And balance is the most important thing above all.  But Is it really possible to be truly neutral? to be 100% neutral I would need to not care about anything, and if I didn't care about anything I wouldn't care about fulfilling my duty as the eye of twilight.  Then I could hunt Zed down and kill him once and for all.    

Sigh.  Why do all paths in my mind seem to lead to one place?  I wonder if I actually had the chance could I really do it?  I'm completely capable of doing it.  I was always the better fighter.  I'm bigger, stronger more disciplined. Better.  

I sense something else though. All has not been revealed to me about what has happened between us. I know this because I see the unfinished business of it all written in the mist. What else could he possibly do? Or maybe it is what else could he possibly have done?

Something is off and I have a feeling our paths will cross again one day soon.  I don't know if I am looking forward to it or dreading it. But these are all the feelings I must keep down.  Neutrality will win. If I see him again then I will see him again.  and that is how it will be.  That is all there is.  That is all there can be.

I shift into the spirit world to see where exactly where I should be going to solve this particular problem. As the eye of twilight I shift from the spirit world to the mortal world and yet I belong entirely to neither. I am a stranger wherever I stand. I see where I need to go now. I set both my sabers: the spirit and the steel on my back and begin yet another journey 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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