Some Mother Daughter Time

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"This soon?" Jasper asked.

"The encounter with another Original could have triggered it. Now it's only a matter of days before you get hungry again." Ashton looked at Carlisle. "And she cannot drink animal blood; we need human blood."

"I understand, I brought back the blood packs and if I must I will get more." He replied. Ashton nodded and looked at me. "How are you feeling?"

"Normal." I shrugged, not really caring at this moment. Everyone laughed. I then noticed Anabell outside. "I'll be right back." Edward stared at me with confusion as I headed out.

I stopped a few feet in front of her. Her back was to mine as she looked up at the sky. "I wonder if stars get lonely?" She thought out loud.

"Of course not." I walked up and sat down by her. "You see all those stars up there, they have to have at least one friend. You see your favorites?" I knew which ones they were, the bears.

She nodded and pointed. "There, that's mama bear, and her son's there."

"That's right." She sat down by me. "Their story was so sad, but the ending was good, since they were able to be together as a family." Family. The main word around here. "I heard that you talked to Isabelle."

"Yes I did." "What did she say?"

"She told me it was her who changed me back when we were little and my headaches come from her. Also me being a kid the other day was her, she liked seeing us play when we were little," she chuckled. "She also told me that I would be able to stay in the sun when I change back." I figured I should not tell her just yet about the puppets and Isabelle's sacrifice.

"I never knew Isabelle could do such thing." She then frowned. "But, Isabeth died in the sun?" Oh crap.

"Maybe she didn't develop all of Isabelle's powers. That can happen with reincarnations sometimes." Thankfully she believed me and nodded. I sighed. "Anabell."

She starred at me. "I don't know if I can be your mother; I've never been one that's for sure, at least, not really." I admitted.

What surprised me was she started laughing. "Bella, I know you aren't ready. I realized that when you kept screaming "I wasn't.'" I frowned; I never went that far, right? "I guess I am just so used to it. The others, right when we said they were our mother, they agreed instantly. I figured it was something Isabelle passed down, but here you are. I got so mad because you were supposed to say yes and leave with us until I realized the other ones were alone. You actually have people here and it made me even madder. I wasn't prepared for this." She grabbed my hands. "But I like it here, with the Cullens. Ashton likes it here too; Skylar and Wyatt do too, though they don't say much and often hide in the background."

"Who are Skylar and Wyatt anyways?" Those two were a mystery.

She sighed. "I guess that's my fault. We found them in Texas about a year after losing you. They were changed into Originals by Damien in 1940 and their minds were messed with so they could be emotionless. Damien wanted them for his army. But Skylar's feelings somehow resurfaced; I said they were trackers and they are, but Skylar has a way of feeling future emotions, strange I know. He felt himself happy, decent, content, and so he took Wyatt and left the army, finding us. We all have been together since." She smiled slightly and I could tell the look in her eyes, the same look the Cullens look at their spouses. "They still act like they are in an army, emotionless, always in the background until danger appears. Wyatt still does not have his emotions back, but his instinct tells him to follow Skylar's decisions, making him follow ours as well. Skylar's emotions came back a year after being with us but he's too shy and really sort of scared to express anything in front of people. So he looks like a tough guy." She laughed.

"How old were they when they turned?"

"They both were 16."

"That's close to 15." I thought out loud on purpose, looking at her from the corner of my eyes. I could see what blood she had in her go up to her face. "I..guess so."

"You like Skylar." It wasn't a question, it was a fact. "Maybe." I looked at her, happiness filled me unexpectedly. I remember what she was saying to Edward, wishing to have what we have; I wanted that for her as well. "That's wonderful." I sighed, staring up at the sky.

"Momm…Bella, how did you and Edward meet?" I smiled and looked at her. "It was at school, my first day. He and his family stayed away from people, but something about him was, interesting. Of course it didn't go so well in the beginning; turns out he craved my blood more than anything."

She looked fascinated. "Tell me more."

I proceeded to tell her everything from the van incident to Port Angeles and the incident with James, and moved on to my 18th birthday and the months he was gone. She rolled her eyes when I told her about the Jake and the wolves. "You're actually friends with them? You have too many supernatural friends." I shrugged and continued, telling her about Laurent and Victoria and the Volturi and Charlie. When I was done her eyes were wide. "You always were a trouble magnet; I remember when you fell off the swing because you got scared of how high you were and just fell." I nudged her with my elbow as she laughed.

"You should tell Skylar how you feel." I said. She frowned. "I'm just a kid remember?"

"You were a kid, 500 years ago. Now you are practically an old woman." She playfully glared that time but smiled. "I think I will." I smiled when she put her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my stomach. "I love you."

I put my arms around her, hugging her closer. She's as much as your child as she is mine. Isabelle was right; there was no way I could let her go now, even if in the beginning I wanted her dead. I began planning; Edward in a way already agreed that she should stay with us, and even accepted her calling him dad, so now we wait until I turn back into an Original. When though, when. I closed my eyes when a picture popped up. One of me, Ashton, and Anabell; Anabell was crying into Ashton's legs.

"Look at her, what do you see?" He asked with an angry tone.

I stared at the girl, sobbing into his pant legs, holding them for her dear life. "I..see a child, too young to suffer such life. A child, who needs a mother."

She looked up at me with bloody tears and hopeful black eyes. "Will you give one to me then?" She slowly began walking towards me. At the same time, I fell to my knees so I was at her level and whispered the words that sealed my fate. "Yes."

I moved my hair off the left side of my neck and watched her slowly lean in, my heart pounding like a drum. "It will all be better now." Better huh? I gasped at the touch of her lips to my skin and did not have time to breathe again before I felt her fangs pierce my skin.

I gasped, opening my eyes when I saw Anabell's eyes wide as she stared with fear at the forest. "What is it?"

"Bella, Anabell." I turned to see everyone outside. The Originals held fear in their eyes.

"It's been a long time has it not." Out of the forest, a man with black hair and red eyes, wearing what looked like a medieval black suit. Around him stood five other Originals; somehow I knew a lot more were somewhere hiding in the forest.


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