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I jumped in the ambulance after Charlie and stared at him as we headed to the hospital. I wasn't listening to what the doctor was saying to the man driving. My dad looking the same as I found him. Cold, lifeless.

He was lying in a pool of his blood. I pushed him on his back to see that he looked the exact same as mom did, no it couldn't. The same three slashes on his chest. No, no.

"Miss." I looked up at the doctor as I saw we were at the hospital. I followed them all the way to the Emergency room before they told me I had to wait outside as he wen into operation.

I sat in the waiting room, reliving the scene, both of them. Past and present. Anabell.

"Bella." I turned and saw Edward walking towards me with an sorrowful look. I jumped up and ran into his arms sobbing. "It's ok, it's ok." He kept saying.

I sat in his arms until Carlisle came out and gave me a hug. "How is he?"

"He will make it though it took a lot of blood transfusions. He lost a lot of blood." I coughed a sob. "Bella, do you have any idea who could have done this?"

I had one suspect, and I'm sure they were thinking the same thing, but I shook my head. "Can I see him?

Carlisle frowned and shook his head. "You're staying with us tonight." Edward stated in a tone that there was no negotiating.

We first headed to my house so I could get some clothes when I noticed he did not get out of the car. "Edward?"

"Billy and Jacob are coming over to make sure you are ok." He sighed, I could tell he did not want to deal with the werewolves right now. "Ok, I'll call you when they leave."

"Are you sure?" I nodded. He agreed and with one kiss, he drove off right when they pulled up. "Hey Bella." Jake spoke, helping Billy out. "Sorry to hear about Charlie, will he be alright?"

"He should be." I didn't really pay much attention besides the part he was going to live.

He sniffed the air and coughed. "The Cullens were here recently."

I nodded. "He left a few seconds before you arrived."

He thought about that, shrugged and we went inside. Luckily, the police took the bloody rug out. "Sue made you some dinner." Billy said, giving me a plate wrapped with tinfoil. "So when are they coming back for you?"

"I told him I would call him when you leave."

Billy nodded. "Well, we shouldn't keep him waiting. Let's go Jacob."

"Alright, bye Bella." For that brief moment, he looked like my friend. It made me smile slightly. "Bye Jake."

"Now, I still want to see Charlie so let's go."

I sighed with relief when they left. I went upstairs to pack a small bag of clothes and bathroom supplies and went downstairs to call Edward when I heard something. Laughter?

"The smell of dog is very appealing I might say." I froze and turned to see a boy a bit older than me with long straight blonde hair in a ponytail and dark red eyes. His fangs popped out as he wore a long white shirt with a brown vest and black dress pants."Ashton."

He looked at me with knowing eyes. "Bella."

I was in between the kitchen and stairs, the door was right by Ashton. "What are you doing here?"

He frowned slightly. "We came to get you; your time is up as a human." What? No, no way.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the first thing that came to my, a butcher knife. "Now Bella, I'm sure we been down this path before, remember how that turned out." I didn't want to remember.

"Stay away from me Ashton." I grabbed the phone. He stared at it before chuckling. "And who are you going to call, your werewolf friend? You really think he will stop me?" Guess he doesn't know that Jake's not the only supernatural creatures I am friends with. Thinking about that I wasn't prepared for Ashton to be so close to me that I waved the knife, slicing his arm. A clean line of blood began oozing out. He didn't look affected, but I was. Blood. This time, this blood smelled sweeter than Charlie's.

"You want the blood Bella, it already flows in you." He smirked, waving his arm in the air so the smell would blow right in my face.

"No." I dropped the knife, pushed him to the side and ran out the door. Sorry Edward, but you won't pick me up. I got into my car and began driving off, now I wish my truck went faster. I don't know how long I was driving as the trees past my windows. I was close, bout, 10 more minutes until I reached the Cullen's house. I thought I was ok, until I saw a shadow jump in the back. I screamed when another figure latched onto the side of the passenger seat and broke my window, hissing at me. Another jumped on the back and I got an idea. I'm not going back. So, I swerved the truck into the trees and jumped out right before it went crashing through the woods, followed by a loud crash.

I got up, the palms of my hands were scratched but I didn't care as much when I heard hissing, and ran into the woods on the opposite side.

Being as challenged as I was, I kept tripping and falling, using the trees for support. I didn't know how far I ran or even where I was going, I just kept running.

"Bella." I turned at the sound of my name when suddenly I went flying down a hill, hitting my head, back, arms, legs, all on the branches and rocks until I landed on my back; I was sore. "Bella." I jumped up and began walking backwards, trying to find out who was saying my name, when I ran into someone. I screamed and turned around to see Jasper staring at me with wide eyes. "Bella?"

"Bella?" I turned to see Edward and his family looking at me with confusion. "What are you doing out here, why didn't you call?" I didn't answer, just ran to Edward and sobbed. "What's wrong Bella?"

"Unbelievable, you run from one monster, only to be in the arms of another." A voice said in an angry tone. I froze and slowly, mechanically, turned to face the one I been running for the last ten years.


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