The Door

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Author's note**
Sorry if this first part is written weird, I had typed this out on my notes and I pasted it here and it went a little wonky. Anyways, I hope you love the first part and if you want to suggest ideas then please do!

"Everything that deceives may be said to enchant."
I guess you could say that that's what it felt like when we traveled through to whatever new dimension Connor had in
store for me this time. I say deceiving because when you first
enter the portal, which will take you to the next dimension, it
seems like you are just walking into another room, one that
looks the same as the last you were just in. Really the only way
that you know that you aren't doing just that is the feeling, it
feels as if your whole body is walking through water and you
have to push very hard to get through to the other side. There
are only four doors in the whole world and Connor and I are
Caretakers of one of them. Our Door however is different from
the other three doors, our Door is installed in a house (that is
unusual) and that house travels with us when we step through
the Door.
As Connor steps through the door I hesitate to follow
because something seems different this time, something seems
Was it the way that the reflection of the room on the doorway seemed to tilt? Was it the way that he glanced back at
me right before he was sucked through the door?
I'll never know but when I finally did step through, this new dimension
was not at all what Connor had described to me. He had spoken
of green fields and oak tree groves with wildflowers blooming
everywhere. What we saw was broken down city and empty
tenements. That's all that I can describe to you from my split-
second view of that world.
"Florence!" Connor shouted.
I had just enough time to scream his name back before
everything seemed to fold in on itself and the world went black.

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