Thirteenth Dimension?

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When I came to consciousness I lay with my eyes closed because I
could feel the foreign bed beneath my body, the chains binding my wrists,
and the strange figure injecting me with a syringe that was probably filled
with lethal fluids.
My first instinct was to fight it but I knew that I had to think about my
escape. I had to find Connor and make sure he was okay.
A sharp pain and then a tingling sensation everywhere interrupted all
of my thoughts of escape. After that came the darkness. I drifted in and out
of consciousness. Each time hoping that I would rid myself of the milky
haze of sleep, each time failing.
When I finally awoke I was no longer chained to the bed but a chair this time. The chair in a stone room with one long vertical window directly in front of me. I began to struggle against the restraints but stopped once I looked outside. There was a tower made of black glass as tall as the clouds, practically breaching the heavens.
I knew exactly where I was and I knew more than anything that I needed to find Conner and get the hell out of there.
Just as soon as I formed the thought there was a loud bang on the metal door to my right and it swung open. In walked Conner yielding a very sharp dagger.
"You know where we are?" He said as he cut the chains binding me to the chair.
"The Thirteenth Dimension" I replied in a voice that shook with terror.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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