Sounds Like a Fuckboy To Me

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"Thank you Fez." I hugged him tightly, him doing the same. The room was.. ordinary really. Not that I'm complaining, like at all. The bed rested against the middle of the wall in the back of the room, a small dresser to the right when you walk in. Oh shit, I gotta figure out a way to get my clothes from the house.

"No prob kid. I'll drive you to school during the week, won't be able to really get you after though that's when we at the store. Guess I could always send Ash to get ya." I pulled back from him wide eyed, shaking my head. I looked back, not seeing Ashtray, looking back at Fez while shaking my head frantically

"Please, please, don't make him do that." He gave me a confused yet playful look.

"A'ight, a'ight. We'll just take it day by day." I nodded and hugged him once more.

"You know you don't have to drive me either." He waved me off, shaking his head.

"Drivin' you to school ain't nothin', I just go to the store from there." I looked down at the floor, gripping the straps of my bag. I wonder if Ash is actually his brother, or just another kid he's helping out like me. I felt something drop on my head, soon ruffling my hair.

"Ay, seriously don't sweat it kid. Ain't no body gon' touch you while you're with me. Besides, always wanted a lil sis." I looked up at him, obviously trying to push back the tears. Guess I am an emotional person.

"A'ight. So check it. The room across from yours is Ash's, mine at the end of the hall. Need an'thin just knock. I'mma be down stairs." He gestured his head behind us, before making his way out of the room.

"Thank you, for everything Fez." He smiled, nodding his head. I stood there for a few minutes, listening to his feet make his way down stairs. I sat at the end of the bed, staring off in to space. Not taking my bag off, leaving the door open, not making the bed yet, just sitting there. Replaying over all the shitty moments I had in my life, and how it all changed just because I was going to jump off a bridge. One little thing that changed my life dramatically, as much as it would have if I had jumped. Only.. I'm alive. Holy shit, speaking of alive. I looked to the side of me, lifting up my shirt more. I made a face as the whole side of me was bruised, massive blotches of deep red, some purples and blues. At least I didn't land on the stairs. 

    I looked up as I heard a creak across from me, Ashtray standing in his doorway watching me. I dropped the shirt, staring back at him cautiously. His eyes that had been focused on my bruise, looked up as I covered it. He studied at me for another minute before turning around, going in his room, shutting the door behind him. I breathed out I didn't know I was holding, rushing up to shut  my door as well.

     I stayed in the room all night, just laying down on the bed and not talking. I texted with Rue a bit for a while. She's been ranting because Jules has been ignoring her for some guy she's been texting online. I had no clue how to comfort her about this, at this point I had a strong feeling she had a thing for Jules. I'm not sure how Jules feels though. I thought she might have liked Rue back, but now she's texting some random guy. I don't know. I tried offering to hang out with Rue today for a little bit, distract her but she wasn't in the mood too. Maddy and I texted a bit too. Her and Nate have been on the fence, says he's been acting weird. The fuck is it with these people? This is why I rather stay single, so much easier. I didn't bother eating that night, mostly because I wasn't sure what to do. So I figured to call it an early night, shutting off my phone and curled up more on the bed. I still hadn't bothered to make the bed, nor take my boots off. Just.. fell asleep how I was, not caring about the outside world.

"Ay, yo. Time to get the fuck up." I inhaled deeply, stretching my arms out in front of me. I looked around the room confused for a minute before seeing Ashtray standing in the doorway. I sat up, rubbing my face.

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