Chapter 17

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Your POV:

"Excellent choice doll. What would I do without you?" I uncover my eyes in time to see him lean down to press a kiss on my cheek but he doesn't move away. His voice drops to a whisper as he says, "We're going to have so much fun."

The senior citizen bus passes us and that's when I know what I had pointed at. Cheer chants get louder as the maniacs started to get in position. It seemed like time had slowed down as I turn to grab onto Jerome's arm, I give him a pleading look to stop this madness. He flashes me a smile before he looks ahead, he raises his other arm and gives the order to attack.

"No! They don't deserve this, please they're just kids!" I try to reason with him but he dismisses my concern by firmly grabbing onto me and pulling me out of the large truck. I glance at the yellow bus and see that it was stopped by Galavan's men, I can't take them all. He was already walking towards them and I felt my adrenaline kick in as I shout to him,"Jerome!"

"You're right." There's a deafening silence that follows which isn't like him. His steps came to a halt. "I can't believe I nearly forgot to give you this. Thanks for reminding me darling." He turned on his foot and handed me a gun but he had disarmed it first so I wouldn't get any ideas. I can still hit you with it you little psycho. He took his time fixing my appearance, his touch was tender like I could break under the slightest pressure before pinching my cheek with a look of endearment on his pale features.

"I don't think I can do this." I softly remove his large hand from my face as I direct my gaze to the hostages.

"You promised me you would behave, how are we going to build a strong relationship if there's no trust? I might have to pay a little birdie a visit if you don't fix that frown." He pulls the ends of my lips upwards but doesn't let go until I smile on my own. Oswald is lucky I love him. The ginger loops our arms together in response before continuing in an excited tone, "Shall we my lady?"

I look at the bus one more time before turning to him with fake enthusiasm, "Yes."


After Jerome had gotten the driver to open the bus door for us he took ahold of my hand and dragged me inside with him. I reluctantly stare at the confused and scared faces of the cheerleaders, they take turns glancing between us. I have to look away in shame. Fish was right, I'm not any better than who I was brought up to be. My hand tightens around the cold grip of the redhead and he squeezes back reassuringly while terrorizing the poor girls. "It's going to be fine coffee girl." I raise my head to look at him but he's staring ahead almost like he didn't just whisper to me.

"This is my doll's first time making headlines so it would be in your best interest to make this memorable for her. Oooh! Let's start by giving her a cheer." His joyful expression stares expectantly at the scared faces in front of us and I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes at him. Now I remember why I had a slight crush on Jeremiah and not him when I first met them. Naturally they stay frozen in silence, I keep looking back at the redhead because I know his short temper is bound to emerge. His impatience wins as a glare makes its way onto his face, he waves his gun around and high pitched screams penetrate my ears. He opens his mouth to spew more threats but I beat him to it.

I swiftly grab his weapon and fire a warning shot at a window, there's an immediate wave of silence as glass shards fall everywhere. I use my unarmed gun and point at their heads. If he wants a show, I'll give him a show.

"Just checking if you guys were deaf. What an adorable crowd, I think we started off on the wrong foot. Here you go sweetheart." I give Jerome his gun back and press a hard kiss on his jaw. I'm trying to match his level of crazy which is hard, if there weren't lives at stake I would be laughing at how far fetched we look. I hope this stalls the attack long enough for the cops to get here. I try my best to look entertained by their fear. Is that snot? I'll just look away now. "I still want that cheer and I know you guys won't let me down. Now repeat after me."

Jerome Valeska x Reader x Jeremiah Valeska : Psychotic Where stories live. Discover now