Snoops On

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Above the Earth, there was a monster leader who controlled all the living and non-living monsters. This mighty monster's name was Galvanax. Just like Scott, Galvanax was also capable of hacking computers and creating secret cameras. Galvanax was planning something big! But to complete his plan, Galvanax must have at least one energem. But he knew that the Rangers wouldn't agree to give Galvanax their energems, so he had a trick up his sleeve. 

Back on Earth, the princes were very curious why Galvanax hadn't sent any monsters for the past two weeks. They thought that Galvanax might be taking a break from being the evil monster leader. But a different thought was circling around James' head, "What if he isn't taking a break from getting our energems, what if he is planning something big," James said to Scott, Francisco, and Daniel. "But how will we know what Galvanax is planning. It's not like we could hack into his computer," that suddenly gave Scott an idea. "Leave all the hacking to me, just meet me at my dorm room," he said with a smirk. 

The boys were gathered in Scott and Francisco's dorm room. They sat there while watching Scott script letters and numbers, that none of them understood. After a few minutes of scripting, Scott finally finished, and he showed his friends what Galvanax's computer looked like. Daniel saw a folder named "Evil Plans" on his desktop. When the boys clicked that folder, they saw every single evil plan that Galvanax has given them ever since he found out that they were rangers.

Much to their surprise, they saw an evil plan made for March 22nd, which was one month from that time. When they opened that file, they saw what Galvanax has planned for them, it was really life-threatening. The process of his latest plan could risk a lot of peoples' lives in danger.  "Oh no, if this plan comes to action, we might get blamed for other peoples' you know, injuries," Francisco said worriedly to his friends who were as worried as him. "I don't care about getting blamed for other peoples' injuries, I care about the other peoples' life being at grave risk!"  James argued to Francisco. "Wow James, you usually love seeing other people be miserable," Daniel said raising an eyebrow at James. "Well, this is not a prank as you may know of, and I did not set this up," James argued to Daniel. The two argued for a very long time about how James really loves to prank other people.

It took them a while to finish arguing, Francisco suggested that they leave the dorm room, but Scott said that it was their dorm room and that they should be the one kicking them out. Francisco agreed to that and just waited patiently for the two to stop fighting. After fighting, the two boys had a drink of water and stared at the owners of the dorm. "So what's the plan?" Daniel asked Francisco. Francisco just shrugged and pointed to Scott who was trying to think of a good plan to save the innocent villagers, princes, and princesses of the entire kingdom. 

The boys thought long and hard, very hard. Until they got a perfect idea! It was a plan to trick Galvanax, something very rebellious. But the princes knew that they might get stereotyped because of their plan, even with that thought in their minds, they still agreed to make the plan happen.

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