Part 11

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Gemma was sitting on pins and needles waiting for the boys to get back with Liv. Jax had called when they got to Happy's so she was trying to keep Happy where he was. She noticed him pull a blonde into his lap and rolled her eyes. "Stupid asshole." She huffed to herself. 

"Who's the asshole?" Gemma heard Jax say from behind her. 

She jumped a little, but quickly stood and hugged him. "You were supposed to call before you showed up." 

He shrugged and popped a cigarette between his lips. "She’s waiting for Piney to wrap up.” 

Gemma sighed and sat back down. Her gaze was back on Happy and his new blonde trophy. “Look at him… he doesn’t even hide it anymore.” 

Jax saw where his mother was looking and rolled his eyes. “You know if Liv sees that when she walks in it’s going to be a war.” he huffed as he headed towards Happy and his new friend. Before he could get to them, Tara stopped him. 

“You have a minute?” she asked, pulling him away from Happy and the others. 

He smirked as his arms wrapped around her waist. “I've got all the time in the world for you, darlin'’

She laughed and laid a kiss on his lips. “I’m serious, Jax.” She tried to be serious. “We have a big problem if Ima shows up.” 

He rolled his eyes at the mention of the porn star. “Can we not have a conversation about her?” 

“It’s serious Jax. She’s been trying to pin a baby on Hap.” she explained. “If Liv finds that out…” 

“I know,” he sighed. He looked around and was relieved when he didn’t see Liv yet. "Is it his?"

Tara shrugged. "Only way to know is with a DNA test." She explained. "He denies being with her around the time of conception,but we both know how he's been."

Jax agreed with Tara. "I know. Someone has to tell her so she's not blind sided with it."

Tara's eyes turned into saucers that he couldn't say no to. "Seriously?" He huffed. When he saw she wasn't relenting he groaned. 

"Think she'd take it better coming from you or Ope." Tara admitted.

He sighed as he hung his head. He knew Liv was going to be shattered when she heard that Happy may be Ima’s, of all people, baby daddy. He left Tara with a quick kiss and went on a search for Opie. If he was dropping a bomb, he was going to make sure he had some sort of cover. 


Liv perched herself on top of the work bench as she watched Piney work on a car that had been brought in that afternoon. “You know you haven’t done that since you were a kid.” He said over his shoulder. “What’s going on, sweetheart?”

She sighed as she looked across the garage to see Juice emptying out the van. “He does know he’s not a prospect any more, right?” she laughed. 

Piney stood and wiped his hands down with an old shop towel. “He’s trying to stay busy. He’s been that way since the accident.” 

Liv thought back to the day of her accident. Juice had been assigned to follow her to the appointment because Happy didn't want her going anywhere alone with all the club drama going on. They didn't see the drunk driver coming. She remembers him trying to get her out of the car, but that was it. "I still don't remember most of that day."

Piney grabbed his bottle and took a long sip from it before he spoke. "Maybe that's a good thing." He said, passing her the bottle. "Now, what's going on?"

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