That's 'Cause Lexi's Fuckin' Awesome

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      I walked out of school, no body walking with me today. Which I was kind of thankful for, I wasn't in the mood to hang out with anyone. I saw Rue in the halls at one point, her and Jules even closer than usual. We shared a look, but never talked. I had no clue what was going through her mind, I remembered her being there that night, but I had no clue what happened to her after. To be honest I forget.

     I walked down the street, a few blocks away from Fez's store when I heard footsteps behind me. I looked behind me, seeing a group of three guys, my brother centered at the front of the bunch. Here we go.. I mentally sighed, not slowing my walk any.

"Long time no see bitch!"

"Not gonna stop for your old pals?"

"Come on! We just wanna talk." I wasn't stupid, they clearly wanted to talk but I also knew with them, it ended in more than just talking. It's been a while since they messed with me, mainly because I didn't give them a chance too. I was usually with other people like Maddy or Rue and whatnot, so they didn't get a chance to mess with me. But I was alone now.

"No thanks, office is closed." I huffed, knowing at this point whatever I did would end badly, it usually did. I heard the footsteps get closer, taking that as my sign to run. No warning, just full sprint.

"I'm not done talking bitch!"

"Like I'd talk to you assholes anyways!" I rounded some corners, trying hard to get to my safe place, them close behind. I was grabbed from behind, slammed into the side of the building that was behind me. Of course, they caught me right out back of the store. I was hoping to make it in the store.

"You know, I don't appreciate Maddy fucking Perez, telling me what the fuck I can and can't do." He slammed me again into the back wall, my head thudding against it painfully.

"Maybe she figured your dumbass could use some advise about how to treat women. I don't fucking know." It was blunt and very sarcastic, which I knew would piss him off more, as well as the bored look on my face. His face twisted in anger, pulling me up by the front of my shirt, repeatedly slamming me into the wall behind him. His yells, something I've learned to block out at this point. I growled, bringing my head back as he pulled me forward to slam me back again. I brought my head down on his face before he got the chance too.

"Fuck!" I grinned, him dropping me in return. The other two wasted no time to start stomping and kicking me on the ground, causing me to curl up and throw my arms around my head in an attempt to protect myself.

"Stupid, fucking cunt!" He started kicking too, all three now stomping on me viciously.

"The fuck you doin'?! Get the fuck off her!" I stayed how I was for a second, not wanting to get kicked in the face in case.

"What the fuck is it to you anyways?" I felt someone try and pull me up, causing me to drop my arms and look around. The back door of the store was now opened, Fez stepped out of the store, glaring at the three as Ashtray crouched down a bit trying to get me inside. I pushed myself up, letting him pull me inside.

"She's suppose to be your fuckin' sister, man. Someone you watch out for, someone you love.. The fuck is wrong with y'all?" Fez was clearly pissed, Ashtray glaring out at the boys from beside me. I stood behind them, watching and waiting for the next move.

"Who gives a shit?!" Ashtray took a step forward, Fez stopping him.

"We fuckin' care man. You done beatin' on her." Fez closed the door on them, causing them to yell out at him. Fez turned back to me, looking me over. He closed his eyes and sighed. I wasn't that badly hurt, not the worst beating I've had.

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