Chapter 6

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((EDITED 5/16/2016: ***Please note there have been some major dialogue changes in this chapter, along with a few continuity fixes! For those of you who have read it before or recently, you probably will notice the difference, although the main plot is the same.))

A/N: Please read!

Here you guys go, a timely and longer chapter. You're welcome. :) The first half is filler but bear with me, I like to be thorough when describing things. xD The last part of the chapter gets much more exciting and really provides direction for the main plot.

Please let me know what you think about the plot development. Also, comment and vote, this story is getting much more reads now and it's exciting!!


"If We Ever Meet Again", the song that's playing in the club that I mention (you'll see). It was stuck in my head and if you listen the lyrics kinda go with some story elements ;)

Also, a picture of Anne >>>>>>>

Sorry in advance for any grammatical errors.


The trip started off on a sour note.

"I've never seen you wear clothes that tight," were Will's first words when he saw me, as he leaned on the outside of Maria's Jeep. I tossed him a dark scowl, not appreciating his smirk. The top was fine, but the skirt was a little tight, and I really wished he hadn't pointed it out.

"Leave her alone, Will," Maria chastised. "We're supposed to be cheering her up, not pissing her off."

The other werewolf accompanying us, Jake, was already in the backseat of the car. He was a short but burly werewolf with reddish-blonde hair and a shy smile. We'd always gotten along just fine, and I returned his wave.

"Wait for me!" came a voice from behind us. I turned around and felt a surge of irritation: Anne was striding up to us, wearing a tight black dress and bright red lipstick. I glanced at Maria disbelievingly; had she really invited Anne on a trip meant to cheer me up? But Maria looked equally as surprised as I did.

"Hey, Anne!" Jake called through the Jeep's rolled-down window, and I realized who the culprit was. He didn't hang out with us enough to know about the tension between Anne and me, or perhaps he was just oblivious.

"I didn't know you were coming!" Maria stated, a little awkwardly. Anne raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Jake invited me. Is that okay?" Anne looked a bit irritated at the fact that Maria was the one questioning her presence.

Maria hesitated, and I felt bad putting her in this position. I wanted to speak up, to tell Anne she couldn't come, but knew that would just make me look petty and immature. Several wolves in the pack were already thinking poorly of me lately, and I didn't want to worsen the situation. Seeing Maria looking at me out of the corner of her eye, I gave a nearly imperceptible nod. Seconds later, I was in the backseat next to Will and Jake, with Anne and Maria in the front.

Now I really was in a pissy mood, and we hadn't even left yet.

Convincing my parents to let me go to town had been surprisingly difficult and my mother had even tried to make me feel guilty about going. Any other week I would have respected their wishes but I was on edge because of the whole 'evil tyrant as my Mate' thing. I had basically snapped something about them being overprotective before storming out of the house.

Not the most mature way of reacting (in fact, I knew I owed them an apology later) but I needed the fresh air and my Wolf was driving me crazy. I'd heard my mother's resigned sigh before I slammed the door, so I knew they wouldn't follow me. They could communicate to me mentally if it was that important.

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