Chapter 16

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((EDITED 5/19/2016))

(( Picture on the sidebar is Raziel in his prime. Also, the song might be best listened to in the beginning of the chapter. It's a beautiful Christina Perri song that can describe Skylar and Gabriel's relationship at this stage.

Prepare for a fairly long rant at the end...heh.

Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors))



It took me a very long time to fall asleep.

My upsetting thoughts continued to relentlessly circulate in my mind and my Wolf's agitation did not help the matter. On top of all that, it was still dinner time, as we'd arrived around dark. I was only praying that my all-nighter the day before left me sleep-deprived enough to pass out so early. I didn't want to deal with my Mate anymore tonight.

Before Gabriel got out of the shower I reached over and snagged the TV remote, turning the nearby lamp off in the process. I needed some sort of noise in the background, a distraction to keep me from thinking. It didn't help that I still felt a trail of heat on my neck from where Gabriel had kissed it, and the thought of him naked in the shower not too far from me only worsened things.

Stop thinking about him like that. I instructed myself angrily. I was supposed to be ignoring his existence, preparing myself to get over him. Yet, even through the pain that clouded my mind, I still was having lustful thoughts about him.

I bared my teeth in a silent snarl, turning over onto my back. The humorless sitcom on TV did little to lessen my hurt and frustration but at least I could focus on something mindless. Several minutes later, I heard the shower stop. I turned back over on my side and squeezed my eyes shut, remembering my earlier plan to fake being asleep.

It worked, or at least I think it did. Gabriel made no attempt to speak to me as I heard the bathroom door open, footsteps lightly padding on the carpeted floor, and then a rustle as he rummaged around in his bag. It occurred to me that he hadn't grabbed his clothes before storming into the bathroom, either.

I couldn't help myself. I slightly opened my eyes, just barely peeking out from behind my lashes. Call it morbid curiosity or my Wolf's instincts, I still could not prevent myself from wanting to get a glimpse of my Mate only partially clothed.

Seeing him nearly made me choke on my own spit, and I had to bite down on my lip to keep from making any sort of verbal reaction. It was dark in the room but I could still see enough with werewolf vision. Gabriel loosely held a towel wrapped around his waist while his other hand pulled clothes out of his bag. That meant that his entire chest and stomach were bare, glistening in the flickering light of the television. Moisture clung to his skin from the bathroom's humidity.

With a visible effort I shut my eyes again, refusing to ogle him any longer. I blamed it on my still-raging hormones. It was pathetic how little control I had with him, especially after he had just caused me so much pain. I turned over so I was facing away from him.

I forced my body to relax, muscle by muscle, as Gabriel quickly changed clothes in the confines of the bathroom before he returned to the main room, climbing under the sheets in his bed. To my surprise, I heard the lamp on the far side of his bed turn on, although it wasn't bright enough to disturb me. Apparently he was making no attempt to go to sleep so early, which shocked me. He had pulled an all-nighter just as I had and hadn't slept on the drive here. I supposed Alphas barely needed the rest, or Gabriel had more fortitude than most.

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