Rules and Reprecusions

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I am walking down our bleak road full of greys, and blacks, and whites. We are taught that colours made us different. That our minds are weapons that had minds of they're own. Causing violence, and war. Bringing on thoughts of a sure apocalypse however, the leaders saved us. They chose thirty of the strongest, smartest, prettiest lines each with a different virtue. These lines where each given a third of the world. The Americas, Eurasia, and Africalia. The rest of the lines were destroyed. WE are those lines. They tell us. WE should be grateful they tell us, but we know better. WE know that they see everything. WE know that can't be trusted. WE know that if we show signs of thinking differently, they'll kill us. Because we know that they control us.

Our world is cookie-cutter perfect. Depending on what line you're from you live in a different area, so that you're surrounded by people with the same minds as you. As a McKellan, I live in Old Mexico, in the country of the Americas. Everyone here has the same house with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a living room. We have no need for a kitchen because the leaders provide us with our meals. The only difference is the colours of our home White,Grey,or Black depending on what your parents do.

I approach my own grey house and open the door silently. I do not call out because yelling is illegal, and because they will know. I put my grey backpack on the bench and walk slowly up stairs to do my homework. I walk slowly because if I don't they will know. My younger brother didn't know.

Jamie was young, seven years old and half my age. He came home after school and yelled out "I'm home!" In his little voice. I froze as I worked at my desk. Jamie wouldn't do that. I tell myself, Jamie knows the rules. I tell myself. Then I hear feet running up the stairs. A single tear drops onto my paper and my pencil clatters to the ground in slow motion. I remember Jamie skidding to a stop at my door grinning ear to ear, blond hair all over the place.
"Jules guess wha..." he says as his features go slack.
I watch in horror as he walks robotically across my room to the window and opens it, in a voice not his own Jamie my little Jamie says:
"Jamie McKellan will commit suicide at 4:45 Friday due to illegal activities against the code of the leaders"
More tears poor out as he sits on the windowsill
I turn to the clock ticking ominously
I close my eyes unable to move,
I hear the whoosh as Jamie jumps.

I snap out of my head and begin my homework hoping the leaders didn't notice the sudden change in my emotions. Even the smallest things can get you killed . I sit at my desk and begin my homework. After 30 minutes, I finish just in time to hear the *ding of the dinner being dropped off. I go down stairs, eat, and return to my bedroom. Usually this time is used for the mandatory reading of the rules, everyone over the age of 8 reads the everyday for the rest of there lives. However, if you focus and read anything else, your brain produces the same thoughts as when you read. Making it undetectable for the leaders. I sit down at my desk and press down on part of my desk. A compartment pops out and I pull out my notes. Now I plan.

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