New bike for sale! (James's POV)

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I stand looking out from the window of my White House with disgust. Looking out I see grey, and black our other two social classes. Black being the lower jobs cooks, janitors, plumbers. Grey being the middle class teachers, doctors. White above them all.White because my father is a leader. White because the leaders are pure, the bringers of peace to a war torn land. Our saviours. Bull shit. I see sad people. Mourning the loss of family members who were killed by people like my father. Killed for making innocent mistakes. Killed for being human.

The leaders are murderer's. To save themselves they massacred the rest of our world and made those they kept alive robots. I am not a robot. As Fredrick Nelson's son, my mind remained intact at birth instead of being tampered with the tracker like regular babies are at birth. I am expected to carry on my father's legacy when he dies, but I won't.

They expect me to smile and shake hands with dignitaries. Laugh at bad party jokes and marry a pretty safe brainwashed girl. Then when my father dies I'll take his place as the leader of Old Mexico.

They don't expect me to operate an illegal newspaper with anti-leaders columns provided by people in the classes. My columns in the regular paper speak of happiness and how lucky we are. They do not share heartbreak of loosing loved ones, what really happened to get us to the world we're in now, and ways we can change it. Those are not good thoughts for good little Jamie to have you see. They're so good at blinding others that they've blinded themselves. Making me a damn good spy. And an even better liar.

I shake off the disgust reminding myself that I have work to do. I walk back to my desk and start on the pile of plans supplied by my father for me to work on. They're supposed to help me prepare for my future role in our city but really they're just direct Intel for the rebels. I start reading making notes to insert in the regular newspaper in the code I use to communicate with the rebels. It's a simple cypher,replace each word with another word then disguise it to seem mundane.

Hello Bikers!
New bike for sale!
red,and white, with new tires
Price 24$ if interested please call 024-888-045

What it really says?

Breaking News!
Eurasia diplomat to visit.
5,4 and fat, with new hair
Price of visit 24 million dollars to be payed in groups of 8 million on April 5th.

I smile smugly before putting it in an envelope and tucking it into my uniform.

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