[05: Bathroom Confessionals ]

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Em & M

[05: Bathroom Confessionals ]

Ava sighed, frowning as she took a peak of what was behind the red curtains. "I don't get why you're not Nathan's girlfriend anymore," she mumbled after making her way back to her chair with a heavy groan. "I like you better than Emery."

I smiled slightly. "Didn't she give you a big present for Christmas?" I asked, leaning down to her height. It took me and Emery ages to find the perfect present for Ava. When she asked me if I could go shopping with her a week in December, I was excited like a chipmunk on a sugar rush. We quickly bolted to the mall (Mark drove us there) after school and began our search. We searched long and hard through numerous stores until we found the perfect gift: Emery got her a lip gloss maker and I got her a mini-cake pop maker.

"Yeah, but you got me something, too," she argued, fixing her white-and-red-stripe dress. This was the last song (and act) in Mimi's School Christmas recital and all the kids were very excited for the last song. Over the past three months, Ava became friends with the other girls in the class and I was happy for her. At the same time, Emery and Weston started dating—although, they chose to keep it in secret so not a lot of people in school knew that they were going out it.

It was kind of cute and I was super happy for Em. Though, at the same time, I was extremely pissed at Weston for stealing Emery all the time. Like, why the hell did they need to spend so much time together? It wasn't fair. Emery was mine first, damnit.

"Why don't you like Emery?" I wondered, helping her with the hat. "She's very nice to you, isn't she?"

Ava nodded, sighing. "She is really nice," she muttered. "But she doesn't know how to dance."

I laughed, pulling her into a hug. I can vouch with that—Emery couldn't dance for her life. Even with Just Dance 4, she could barely get a 2-star at the easiest songs. It was kind of funny, really, but Emery always laughed at it.

"Get ready, girls!" one of the other instructors called out.

"Do your best!" I called out as Ava made her way with the other students to the stage.

The kids had been practicing since October for this recital and their hard work paid off. Everyone had a great time watching them dance (and sing) during the past four scenes. I could almost feel how it was to have everyone watch me dancing. The proud smiles from Mom and Dad, the clapping—I wish I could do get out there again.

"You guys were fantastic," Emery said as she and the rest of the giggling parents entered the change room (and by change room, I meant a normal room with a bunch of chairs and couches for the dancers to place their stuff). She walked up to me and Ava, who were chilling on one of the couches, eating a cupcake—a present from Mimi because of all the hard work the class had done to put this show up altogether.

"Flowers!" Ava cheered as Emery handed her the pink and yellow floras. "Thank you, Emery."

"You did well," Weston chimed, taking a stand beside Emery, placing his arms around her shoulders. "Didn't she, babe?" he wondered, resting his head on Emery's.

I glared at him. Emery was my babe first.

Well, okay. We didn't call each other babe, but damn Weston and his stupid nicknames. Because of him, I had to watch all my chuck flicks with Mark—which by the way, isn't as great as it sounded. I thought it'd be awesome since we were spending more time than the usual—but ugh, you know? He gave comments that ruined the moments in the movie and overanalyzed everything, spoiling all the fun. He didn't even want to talk about boys or take quizzes from Teem It.

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