[06: Purple in the Court]

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Em & M

[06: Purple in the Court]

"I need to talk to you."

Mark, Ava, Weston, and bunch of his cousins stopped playing their video games and other activities turning towards me and Emery. When Weston's cousins seemed to realize that they didn't know us, they went back to whatever they were doing, continuing on with their conversations like we didn't even the basement.

"I meant you, West—Nathan," I said, knowing that calling him Weston in a room full of people with the same last name (maybe?) would be a little weird and stupid.

After hearing his name, Weston's face lit up (kind of like telling your daughter that they ran out of the teddy bear she wanted in the store only to find in Christmas that you got her one already) and he quickly marched towards us.

"Hey, Emmy-bear," he said, placing an arm around Emery.

Sighing, I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. "Drop the act Weston," I said, my voice low, "I know what's going on here. You and I need to talk."

He glanced at Em, who only smiled at him apologetically, before he let go of the poor girl, allowing her to make her way towards Mark. Groaning, Weston shook his head, raking his fingers through his hair before he mumbled "follow me," walking back up to the room avoiding any of his parents, aunts, and uncles, making his way around them quickly until he reached the staircase, where he was waiting for me.

"Keep up, peanut," he said as soon as I reached him. With a glare, I followed him up the staircase and through a hallway, glancing a little at the bathroom where Emery and I just had our conversation twenty minutes ago.

"Where are we going?" I demanded. Though I didn't think that I should be in any position to harshly ask for anything right now but he was being a tiny bit suspicious.

He stopped right away, pointing at one of the doors in the hall. It was pretty plain and naked compared to the one across it with the pictures of unicorn and rainbows. I figured that the pink-ified room was Ava's...which meant that this was Weston's room.

"I figured that our conversation would need a bit of privacy," he said, pulling me inside the room. Weirdly enough, it wasn't what I thought it would look like. The room was pretty neat and organized. There weren't any posters or anything stuck in the wall (unlike Mark's room, which was filled with band posters and sport figures). If I didn't know any better, I would have assumed that this was a guest room.

He closed with door and walked to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. "So, what is it you want to talk about?" he wondered, sounding like this was something very normal and casual. It wasn't.

"Why were you pretending to date Emery?" Straight to the point.

He just glanced at me before turning his attention to the books on the shelves adjacent to the bed. "Didn't I say I was going to help you get together with you Prince Charming?" he wondered.

"But not like this!" I argued. "You were playing Emery! She still loves Mark!"

Weston just shrugged. "I can't really control how she feels now, can I?" he said. "Plus, you should have been happy. You had two months to spend with that boy. Don't you feel like your closer to your fairytale?"

I threw him a dark look. I had all the time I had with Mark, yes. Was it weird? Super-duper weird. I mean, I was starting to wonder why I even liked him now. I mean, sure he's perfect but he was the kind of perfect I pictured him in my mind.

"That isn't the issue here, Weston."

He didn't dare to glance at me but he picked up a pencil from the table and played with it. when he didn't say anything, I took the chance to walk up to him and grab the pencil, feeling a little agitated and very impatient.

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