Lover E.M

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Elijah and I were casually sitting on the sofa together, I was laying on him while he was reading his book, one arm around me.

I looked around the room, bored, we still had our Christmas lights hung up, I laughed at that.

He turned to me and smiled as he heard me laugh, "What?" He asks.

I chuckled, "We still have our Christmas lights up," I replied, he chuckled with me.

He looked around and smiled, "I guess we do," He said.

I liked how close we were, everything was perfect, I kissed his cheek, I never wanted this to end.

He quickly looked over at me and grinned, "I love you," He said.

I grinned back at him and kissed him, "I love you too," I replied.

He admired me for a few minutes, he seemed to be deep in thought, "Are you okay?" I asked him.

He smiled at me softly, "Everything is perfect," He responded softly.

Suddenly he looked towards the door and grinned, "Seems like we have company," He said.

Caroline & Bonnie all walked in, they greeted Elijah, he smiled at them acknowledging them.

Caroline quickly looked at me, "Sleep-over?" She asked.

I turned to Elijah silently asking if it was okay, he grinned and nodded, "This is our place, we make the call," He responded.

I noticed that Caroline and Elijah shared a look, I knew immediately why he was worried about me.

Elijah turned towards me and grinned, "I'm going to visit my siblings, have fun, " He says kissing me.

Caroline and Bonnie grinned at me, "So when is the wedding?" They asked.

I looked at them confused, "What wedding?" I ask them.

They laughed, "Yours and Elijahs," They say.

I frowned, "Oh, we're not getting married," I say.

"Yet," Caroline replies.

"Sooooo, what's it like with Mr. Suits?" Bonnie asks.

I grinned thinking about him, "It's perfect, I just want to be with him forever," I reply.

They both awed, "That's so cute," Caroline responds.


The next morning, the three of us are sitting on the couch watching tv when Elijah walks in, I quickly launch myself at him, he grins catching me.

I kiss him muttering, "I missed you,"

He kissed me back then kissed my forehead, "I missed you too, sweetheart," He responds.

He seemed a little off, I frown, "Are you okay? You seem a little off," I ask him.

He smiled and kissed my forehead again, "Nothings wrong don't worry," He said leading us to the sofa.

I noticed Caroline look at Elijah and he nodded, I was confused but didn't question it, it was probably nothing important.

He looked at me, "So it is just us tonight right?" He asks.

I smiled at him before responding.

Caroline and Bonnie sat up, "We should probably go," They say.

I grin, "Okay well I'll see you guys tomorrow," I say hugging them both.

They both say goodbye to Elijah and leave, I quickly snuggled into Elijah.


Later that night, Elijah and I were snuggling on the couch watching a movie, he kept shifting.

I paused the movie before turning to him, "Are you sure you're okay?" I ask him concerned.

He smiled nervously, which was weird because Elijah Mikaelson didn't get nervous.

"I'm fine," He responds not looking at me.

I frown thinking I did something wrong, "Did I do something wrong?" I ask him.

He was quick to turn towards me, "No! You've done nothing wrong, I'm just nervous," He responds, "You could never do anything wrong,"

I frown, "Why are you nervous?" I ask him confused.

He pauses, "I was going to do this later but," he says trailing off, he pulled out a black box and opens it, a shiny diamond ring it, "I have never loved anyone more than I have loved you, and I want to always be this close with you, and go where you go, marry me?"

I froze in shock, I felt tears run down my face, I nodded quickly, "Yes! Yes! Of course I will marry you," I responded shaking.

He grins and puts the ring on me and kisses my hand before kissing me, I smile as I kiss him back.

He grins and pulls back, "Also, we should probably put the Christmas lights away,"

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