Till Forever Falls Apart I.L

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Isaac and I had been together a few months, we hadn't said those three words yet although I knew we both felt them.

I hadn't had the time to tell him though, we had been dealing with Void Stiles.

Currently, we were fighting the onis,

I saw Isaac getting ganged up on so I quickly ran towards him and helped him fight the onis, he quickly thanked me and gave me a short kiss.

Out of the corner of my eye I see an Oni behind Allison, I ran towards her as fast as I could and pushed the Oni away, not realizing it had stabbed me, she thanked me before her eyes widen as she looked towards my blood-soaked shirt.

"Oh my god, Are you okay?" She asks concern in her tone.

I frown confused, she must have noticed because she pointed at my shirt, I looked down, my eyes widening at the sight, I had been stabbed, I looked back at her and nodded with a smile, she didn't seem convinced but she turned around and continued fighting.

I did the same, slowly losing my strength.

I realized I was being cornered, I panicked, how could I take them all on? I had just been stabbed and was dying, I prayed that someone would save me.

My prayers were answered when Scott came over and fought them, he looked towards my shirt then back at me, my face was losing its colour, his eyes widened and he came towards me.

"Oh my god, you have to get out of here," He says concern in his tone.

I shook my head refusing, "I'm not leaving you guys here," I say.

He growled, "You're going to die," he argues.

"you're dying?" Isaac asks confused before his eyes landed on my stomach his eyes widening, "You have to get out of here,"

I shook my head refusing again, "I'm not leaving you guys," I say getting cut off, I felt liquid escape my mouth, I heard Isaac scream, I felt my body fall to the ground before Isaac catches me.

His eyes widened in panic, "Oh my god, no! Keep your eyes open please," I heard Isaac beg.

I smiled at him, "It's okay Isaac," I say.

He kept shaking his head, "No it's not! It's too soon, you can't die yet," He pleads,

I look towards Scott as my eyes drift towards our friends who kept glancing over concerned while fighting, "I guess there's nothing more romantic than dying with your friends," I joke

"That's not funny," Isaac says, he was crying, still holding on to me.

I knew I was dying, and I knew they knew. 

"It's okay Isaac, I'm in the arms of my first love," I say to him.

I knew I probably shouldn't have told him because it would make things worse for him, but I didn't want to die knowing he didn't know I loved him.

"I'm just so glad I got to hold you. I had the best time falling in love. And for a while you were all mine, I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart," I continue, I could hear Isaacs sobbing.

"I was going to tell you after all of this. I shouldn't have waited," He says, I could feel his tears drop onto me.

I smile at him one last time, "Till forever falls apart," I say as I feel my conscious leaving.

"NO! DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE, I LOVE YOU!" I hear Isaac scream as everything goes dark.

𝑴𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora