Chapter 52

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Tonight, I had walked into work with dread. I have a gut feeling that something is gonna go wrong. Everyone noticed I seemed off. "You seem off, Riley. Are you ok?"

I had been sitting against a wall with Bonez. I was disassociating hardcore. "Yeah, I'm good." I didn't stop staring out. I figured I could reassure Bonez since I was able to respond.

They sighed and stood up. "Clearly, you're not. I'm gonna hunt down a Rhea for you."

I saw someone stop to talk to Bonez. "Hey, babe. Is Riley ok?" It was Liv.

"I'm unsure at the moment. She says she is, but I'm pretty sure she's lying. Can you sit with her until I can find Rhea?" Bonez asked Liv.

I noticed Liv sat beside me. "Yeah, sure." Bonez left to go find Rhea. "What's up, Riley?" Liv took my hand and laced our fingers together. She brought my hand up and kissed it. It snapped me out of it.

I looked at our hands and sighed. "I need you to lie to Rhea for me. Tell her I'm exhausted. She'll believe you since my cousin's wedding was last night." I turned to look at Liv. "Something is wrong, and it's not my anxiety. I think something is gonna happen later. Something that involves me."

Before Liv could respond, Bonez came back with Rhea. She knelt in front of me. "You alright, love?"

I nodded and made myself look tired. "She's just tired. Riley was telling me about the wedding and the reception. Must have partied too hard."

"Can't take me anywhere, I guess." The other three laughed along with my joke.


Later on, my gut feeling only grew. Bonez and I were watching the monitor. Rhea and Nikki are out in the ring to give an announcement. "Oh no!"

Bonez looked at me with confusion. "What?"

I stood up and started pacing back and forth. I watched as Rhea and Nikki bickered. Then, Sarah mentioned the tension between them. Nikki denied it, but Rhea didn't. "Oh Gods, no!"

I ran towards the entrance as my gut feeling grew worse. "Riley, wait!" Bonez stopped me. "Riley, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Look!" I pointed to the screen as Rhea spoke. She wants to break up the tag team with Nikki. Obviously Nikki is upset. They bickered more until Rhea pulled Nikki into a hug.

"Dude, it's fine. Look, they're hugging it out. Nothing is wrong." No, that can't be it. Something has got to be wrong.

And then, it happened. Nikki shoved Rhea to the floor and started punching her. "Nikki!" Bonez and I sprinted out of there, giving no time to play our entrance music. "Nikki, get off of her!" I yelled as we climbed in the ring.

Bonez grabbed Nikki and threw her across the ring. We stood protectively in front of Rhea. I grabbed the microphone that Rhea dropped. Bonez leaned over to talk into it. "Yeah, I'm shutting this down right now!"

"Nikki, what the hell is wrong with you? Why would you attack Rhea?" I gestured to her.

Nikki grabbed the one she dropped. "She wanted to break up the tag team, after everything I've done for her!"

"Nikki, calm down. Look, I know it's hard, but you have to let it go. You can't just attack Rhea because you feel bad." I said, trying to reason with her.

"I do what I want! Sometimes, a super hero has to do things that regular people are scared to do. I've discovered that Rhea is the villain and she needs to be vanquished." Nikki pointed at Rhea, who's now sitting up.

Bonez is knelt beside Rhea. They're checking to make sure she's OK. "Do you hear yourself right now? When was the last time Rhea was the villain? She became a hero because of you! Same here for me. I'm good now because of you."

"Oh, so you're good? Then why am I finding it hard to believe you?" I let Bonez get Rhea out of the ring. Technically I'm acting as a distraction for Nikki. I looked back and saw Rhea limped to the back, but Bonez stayed. "Maybe Rhea isn't the only villain here. Maybe you're corrupt too!"

I walked towards Nikki until there's only a foot between us. "Nikki, I'm not corrupt. You know I'd do anything for you. I'm trying to help you because I.......I-"

"What? Go on, say it! What is it, Riley?" She said with a tone full of attitude.

"You're really gonna make me do this? Do I really need to say it?" She crossed her arms and nodded. "Fine! I love you, Nikki!" The fans had been cheering. They suddenly started shouting louder.

"You love me?" I nodded and dropped the microphone. I cupped her cheeks in my hands. It looked like she softened for a second, then the hard exterior returned. She began to laugh, which confused me. I removed my hands and took a step back. "Oh Riley, that's cute. It's adorable, really that you think I could ever love a villain like you. We're done, Riley. I won't let you corrupt me any longer!" She pumped her arm back like she was gonna hit me. Before she could make contact, I caught her arm.

Suddenly, she fell to the ground. I looked over and saw Bonez on the floor next to me. I helped them stand up. "You're welcome, by the way."

I stood there realizing I was right. This was the bad thing I dreaded earlier. I began to breathe harder as I felt tears form in my eyes. But then, it turned into anger. I looked at Nikki and saw she stood up. She was stumbling and looking like was gonna walk over to the stairs. I impulsively ran over and speared her.

"Yes, I've been waiting for this!" Bonez shouted. I pulled Nikki to her feet and shoved her to Bonez. Bonez laughed and performed the Dragon Yeet on her. I ran to the turn buckles and climbed to the top. I jumped and landed the Fallen Angel on Nikki.

I crawled to the microphone and grabbed it. I stood up and walked over to Nikki. "You want a villain, Nikki? Well guess what? You got one!" Bonez gestured for me to hand them the microphone.

"Make that two, bitch!" Bonez slammed the mic to the floor and had it land right beside Nikki. We left the ring together. "Don't worry, Riley. We made her pay. Ain't nobody gonna mess with my girl!"

(Ohhhhhhhhh, Riley and Bonez turned heel! What do you think?)

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