Longing For Remembrance

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Chapter 6-

Shang Qinghua carefully peeked around the corner. He watched as Mobei-Jun stood by in that detached way of his, his arms crossed and watched as Luo Binghe proceeded to have a meltdown. The Demon Lord had returned from Mu Qingfang's place, and was furious when he found out that Shen Qingqiu had left with his sect brothers.

"I cannot believe that he actually left with them! Just wait till I get my hands on that bastard, Liu Qingge! He knows that I hate him being alone with Shizun." he exclaimed as he stormed back and forth.

"My Lord, I thought you told me that it had already been decided that Shen Qingqiu was going to return to recuperate amongst his sect." he reminded him in an emotionless voice.

"I thought that he would change his mind and come back here with me!" Luo Binghe cried out as he punched the wall. Then he suddenly spun around to face Mobei-Jun.

"Who knows Shizun better than I do? Who loves him more than I? How could my husband choose them over me? He always chooses them!" he cried, his eyes glowing red.

"He's your husband?" Mobei-Jun repeated this out loud as Shang Qinghua thought it at the same time.

Shang Qingqiu almost laughed out loud, as he thought about old Cucumber bro actually being married to the protagonist he created. "Oh man, this is just too ironic." he thought.

Luo Binghe turned and glared at Mobei- Jun. "Why do you sound so surprised? Did you think that I was someone that Shizun would never want to marry? Was it because of my half demon heritage? Is that it?" he spat out angrily, as he stared down at his right-hand man.

Mobei-Jun was about to assure him that he didn't think those things, when laughter could be heard coming from around the corner of the main room.

"Who is laughing? Why are they laughing?" Luo Binghe demanded, as he immediately charged around the corner to find Shang Qinghua kneeling on the ground.

His face was red from laughter, but he was not laughing now. He looked up and saw a set of glowing red eyes glaring down at him.

"Fuck, a thousand times fuck." Shang Qinghua thought. He immediately began to grovel at the Demon Lord's feet.

"I'm sorry, Lord Luo. I was not laughing at anything in particular. I promise."

Mobei-Jun rolled his eyes and picked him up by his shirt collar. The demon really didn't want to do anything to hurt his human. But he had to save face in front of his temperamental boss.

"How do you want me to punish him, my Lord?" he asked.

Luo Binghe cocked an eyebrow, as he looked over at a pitiful looking Shang Qinghua. He had wrapped his arms around himself, as he waited to see what punishment he would soon experience.

"No, there is no need for that. I know that he means something to you and Shizun, for some reason."

He let out a sigh of relief as Mobei-Jun let go of his collar and he dropped to the floor.

"Thank you for sparing me, Lord Luo and my King." he said gratefully.

Luo Binghe looked down at him and spoke. "Since I spared you from punishment for eavesdropping and laughing at me, I do demand a favor from you."

"Anything Lord Luo, I will do anything for you, just name it." he said passionately.

"I want you to go to see Shizun. You must convince him to come back home to me. I think that he might listen to you."

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