Full Moon - I

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Erin rolled lazily around in bed, softly roused from her sleep by the light diffused by her curtains. She had slept well, and didn't want to get up, and felt around at the empty spot next to her. Suddenly panic set in. She slept through her alarm, her boyfriend was already up, and she was most definitely late. She all but threw the sheets off when she saw someone coming in.

"What's the rush?" Kyle asked, holding a tray.

"Slept through my alarm-" Erin said through a yawn.

"Slept through... on your day off?" He said with a smile, and Erin momentarily blanked before remembering that it was indeed a Saturday. Suddenly the panic was gone, and she flopped back down into bed, lazily rolling her head back and forth.

"I'm so sick of morning shifts," she said, "now I'm conditioned to hate waking up."

"You could always just not stay up so late," Kyle shrugged.

"And whose fault is that?" She said coyly. "Besides, why are you up so early?"

"How else would I prepare you breakfast in bed?" He asked, and placed the tray down next to her.

"Uh oh," she grinned. "What do you want?"

"Can't a guy just make his favourite gal in the world a little breakfast?" He asked.

"Only if he has ulterior motives," she said, smelling the previous attempts at toast that had obviously been burnt. Along with the successful toast were eggs, orange juice, and a muffin.

"All I want is for you to relax, be comfortable, and-" he sat down next to her, rocking the tray and spilling the orange juice. He frantically scooped up the glass, but in doing so only sloshed it more onto the sheets, causing Erin to shriek and laugh while he repeatedly apologized.

"Nothing more romantic than waking up sticky and covered in crumbs," Erin teased. She helped Kyle clean up, despite his protests.

"So, uh," Kyle said as he bundled up the bed sheets, "after I get laundry going, how about we go out for a bit?"

"Out where?" Erin asked as he carried the load through the kitchen. She simply watched and took a seat at one of the stools, leaning onto the kitchen counter.

"Just, y'know, out." Kyle gradually increased his tone as he disappeared into the laundry room. "Shopping, see a movie, whatever people normally do on their time off!"

"Well," Erin mused in between bites of her toast, "I guess this is our first day off together. We could go shopping. How are we for detergent?"

"No, fun shopping!" Kyle shouted. "Not stuff we need, stuff we want."

"I want to know if we need detergent," Erin polished off her breakfast. "Besides, I don't really like to shop. It's exhausting."

"That's because you make it a job," Kyle said, returning to the kitchen. He hung his arms over her shoulders, placing his hands on hers. "You make everything a job. All work and no play makes Erin a dumb girl."

"Dull girl," she said, flicking him on the nose. "The quote is 'dull girl,' well actually it's 'dull boy' but you know what I mean."

"Let's just have fun," Kyle insisted. "I'm gonna have to find something to occupy my time now."

"Oh boy," Erin sighed. "I hope this isn't a monkey's paw thing. I wish you would have time off and now I've got you going stir crazy."

"All play and no work makes Kyle a dull boy, too," he laughed at his continued butchering of the quote, and Erin sighed with a smile.

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