Halloween Confessions

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      I laid on the couch, ignoring the TV Ashtray was watching as Fez was off doing.. I don't even know what actually. I've been in my head a lot today, literally spacing out the whole time. I thought everyone was acting weird. Ashtray still hasn't said anything about the night of the carnival, the whole fucking thing with Jules and Cal, honestly that really weirded me the fuck out. Jules has been acting weird too, distant. Maddy's gone off the deep end since Nate, she hasn't really texted me.

'Leslie you have a costume for tonight right?' I looked down at the message that appeared on my phone, from Lexi.

'Tf you mean tonight?'

'Uhh, Daniel's party?'

'I was not informed, prolly not gonna go.'

'What why?' I groaned shaking my head at the ceiling.

'I don't know..'

'You're going'

'Do I really have too?'


'Youre so lucky I love you.'

'I love you too! So.. you have a costume right?'

'Not really.. I'll throw something together.' I shut the phone off, trying to recall what I had in my wardrobe.

"Damn it." I turned the phone back on, bringing up my messages to Lexi once more.

'Ok I lied I got nothing'

'Haha, be ready.'

'Fiiine' I shut the phone off again, sitting up from the couch.

"Where the fuck you going?" I looked up at Ashtray as I pulled my boots on, that were beside the couch.

"Lexi wants me to go to the party tonight."

"Yo, you going to the party too, kid?" I looked over at Fez who suddenly made his way into the room.

"Am now. I didn't know you were going."

"You and Lexi sure seem close." I raised a brow at Ashtray, narrowing my eyes at him.

"So? Lexi's nice." I tied my boots up, sitting up straight as I finished.

"So you two are dating." It wasn't a question, more than an accusation.

"No, she's just fun to be around, like a sister or ya know, best friend. But even if we were dating, I don't get why it would matter to you, anyways." I stood up harshly from the couch, making my way to the room to get my bag. I know it came out and sounded harsh, but so wasn't his questioning. I don't get why he would care so much about who I was dating, especially when I wasn't even dating said person. Or any person for that matter! I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face as I threw my bag over my shoulder, pulling out my phone.

'Hey Imma start walking to you.' There's multiple ways to go to get from her house to here, but there was a main stretch of road, and the way we most commonly used.

"Hey.. You good, kid?" I looked at Fez, looking down ashamed shortly after.

"I'm sorry.." He came in a bit more into the room, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"It's good kid. We'll talk 'bout this later, a'ight? I'll see ya at the party." I nodded, hugging him real quick as I quickly made my way down stairs. Ashtray caught my eye walking by, but didn't say anything.

"See ya later Fez!.. Sunshine." Obviously I said his name in distaste, childishly.

"Yeah, have fun on your date!" He retorted, with just as much of distaste.

⟡I'm Sorry ♠⟡♠ Ashtray⟡Where stories live. Discover now