Saturday April 18

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This is been terrible today . So I stayed with Hanna and Kaycie lastnight at Hanna's house . Kaycie left at 6am to go to her moms . And left Hanna and me there . Hanna and I woke up at 9am and Hanna's dad , Bob , told her he was leaving , then we got donuts and shit . We got back and Hanna was all like "let's invite Chance and Isaiah since you like Chance" I was like okay ?? I didn't know what to really say . But it was about 5pm and we found out that Chance couldn't go but Isaiah and his friend , Julius , was going . Well we went to the movies and saw Unfriended . Let me tell you , that movie sucked balls ! Sorry poor precious diary for telling you but I'm just saying , but Isaiah was as about embarrassing as my 7 year old is .. And my little sister isn't 16 . Isaiah is 16 , and he repeatedly tells Hanna , Kaycie , me and other side bitches of his that's he's "Grown" . There's a difference between "grown" and "attempting to be grown" . Isaiah , you the childish 16 year old I know ! Chance is more grown up that you ! And he's 15 ! Julius is way more grown up then both y'all , Julius is 13 !! Y'all need help , forreal . Or just Isaiah does because he's just childish . Pure childish . Because it needs to stop . Now .

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