Chapter 47

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Chapter 47








“How you doing baby?” Ezra said into the phone.

“…I can’t do this E, it’s so much going on in my life right now. I feel like all I have left is you and Alyssa…I really miss you right now Ezra.” I said as tears started rolling down my cheek.

“Baby stop crying, I love you to death and I’m gonna always be there for you whenever. I need you to be strong because our daughter need you.” He said.

He knows me like the back of his hand and I love him for that.

“You don’t understand E, it’s hard trying to be strong when I have every reason to break down and just give up. I’m too young to be going through these things.”

“Wipe your eyes and stop crying for me Zoe, I hate when you’re like this. It’s 3 in the morning babe you should be getting some sleep.”

“I can’t sleep because I’ve been having nightmares.” I said looking at Alyssa sleeping next to me.

“About what?”

“I don’t want to talk about them E.”

“Baby please tell me what’s up, you gotta quit holding out on me.” He said.

“I had a dream that…I was in a really bad car accident…I was pregnant and I was rushed to the hospital to have an emergency C-section…it’s really weird because the baby looked nothing like me…none of the features were similar to mine but I promise I had the baby…it just looked like it belong to someone else other than me, it was a little girl and she kind of resembled Alyssa but she looked more like you…I don’t know what that mean but I’ve been having that same dream for a while now.” I told him.

He sighed.

“Damn…” Ezra said.

“I had another dream that…someone was trying to kill…me too.” I said.

“Zoey what the hell? How long has this shit been happening to you?”

“…about a month, I can’t sleep. I’m scared to sleep.” I said.

“Damn, do you want me to come home? I can come home right now if you need me there with you.”

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