Chapter 18

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Chapter 18







[ Days later ]

“You are very healthy and you should have no problems with the pregnancy if you take your prenatal care, exercise and eat right. When the time comes would you like to know the sex of the baby?” Dr. Reynolds said staring at Ezra and I.

“No.” I finally said because he was just holding the car keys in his hand not saying anything.

“Okay, well other than that you and your baby are very healthy.”

“Okay well thanks.” I said standing up.

Ezra grabbed my hand and we walked out the doctor’s office. I looked at Ezra and he just looked like he was in thought about something.

“E, babe what’s up?” I asked as we got to the car and he opened the door for me then got in the driver’s seat.

“Nothing, I’m straight.” He said pulling out staring at the road.

“You aren’t going to tell me?”

He looked at me. “I just got a fucking headache that’s all.” He said smiling at me.

“Stop being so grouchy.” I said grabbing his hand.

“Mane you got some crazy ass mood swings.” He said laughing.

“Yeah I’m sorry about what happened a few days ago, I didn’t mean to go off on you.” I said.

“It’s cool, I know now why you act like that.”

“My friends were just…I don’t know…” I said looking at him.

“Yeah them niggas made up with they girl the same night but with you it was something else.” He said.

“I’m sorry babe, but King made up with who?”

“Him and Brea back talking. I had to sit there and tell her to give him another chance so if he fuck it up again that’s my ass and his.”

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