It was a rainy Sunday and vampire Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ had some free time before his next orders from Bram Stoker. He was now brain dead after being turned into a vampire . He was walking down the street when a familiar white tiger passed  him. Atsushi looked up, shocked and scared, he had thought that Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ had died. He started crying.

    "Y-you're alive...?!" he screamed emotionally. Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ remained silent. Atsushi fell to his knees and and continued sobbing. Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ kept walking away... farther... farther... and farther down the street............... Atsushi tried to call for him to stop but he didn't.


Bram Stoker: "Go to the coffee shop and order a coffee"

    "Welcome!" The old man calls from the counter. Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ dramatically walks in. The old man gasped. Atsushi and the owner's wife look up. They both gasp and Atsushi starts walking towards Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ to say hello to him. Then he saw Akutagawa's 🧛‍♂️ black eyes getting a small tint of red staring at his neck but didn't think anything of it.

    Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ went to go sit down at a table. Atsushi came over to him and took his order

    "One coffee." Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ said while staring out the window. Atsushi goes into the back and has a gay panic.

    "I know you like him" The old man said scaring Atsushi while coming up behind him. "Just don't get too attached to him like last time." "Ok I won't" Atsushi said with faint hearts in his eyes.

    After Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ got his coffee he started to walk off to school only to realize that he was late to his first class.

He dashed to school not sensing a certain light gray haired boy following him.

    Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ enters school dramatically, Atsushi close behind.

Bram Stoker: Ryuk, kill the furry.

    "That's no fun " Ryuk says, grinning.

Bram Stoker: He is interfering and Ouchi is not happy that he escaped. Kill him."

Ryuk ignored this and went back to talking with his best friend and parner, Hatsune Miku.

Once Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ got to the doorway of English he looked back and he saw Atsushi looking at him with a small tint of lust his eyes. He got the shivers but went on because it's his last year at school.

Atsushi POV

    "I'M GOING TO BE LATE TO CLASS" I yelled while running to school.

While I was running to my class I noticed Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️ running to English.

I couldn't help but look at him running with his same old handsome face that he has with his fine features. Only to remember that I was late to class.

When I finally got into class I realized that I was 1 minute late.

"Sorry sensei."

"Why are you late, Atsushi?"

"I-uh-I slept in" The class looks at me and starts snickering.

"That is the worst excuse I have ever heard in my entire life as a teacher. Go sit down," My teacher, Kunikida sensei said angrily.

I sat down at my desk, next to Kenji, one of my friends. On my other side is Chuuya, the twenty-two year old that is in a biker gang and has gotten held back for years.

"Stupid." Chuuya says.

    Suddenly the intercom comes on a the Principal Mori says that the school has been broken into and they are now in a lockdown. We all started panicking. Next thing we know, the classroom door is being banged on all I was worrying about was Akutagawa 🧛‍♂️.

Third person

    You could see the look of pure worry and love on Atsushi's face. The class was feeling many emotions that day. Some were thinking that they were going to die some about to cry.

The atmosphere in the room was heavy. They were all wondering when it would end.

Akutagawa's 🧛‍♂️ POV

It was the beginning of English and I'm sitting next to Fyodor. He's a know-it-all and is really annoying sometimes. I wish I could kill him but it's illegal and Atsushi would get mad at me. I totally hate him too though.

    Fitzgerald, my teacher, handed out our assignment. 30 seconds later Fyodor got up and placed it down on his desk. I was quietly screaming in anger. The next thing I knew, we were in a lockdown.

3rd Person

    The loud banging on the door paused for a moment. Suddenly, the door is knocked down and a small grey cat walked in. Atsushi looked up in horror. He let out a loud scream that could be heard across the school. Kunikida looked at Atsushi angrily.

    "I am Crime Cat. I have come for a boy named Chuuya. He stole my drugs." The cat said.

    "I didn't steal your drugs!" Chuuya yelled. Kunikida looked at Chuuya and said,

    "Chuuya, did you steal the cat's drugs?" Kunikida asked.

"No! I bought them!" Chuuya screamed defensively.

"Where are they?"

"They're in my school bag!" Chuuya screamed. He rummaged in his bag and pulled out a bag full of hard drugs (heroin, fentanyl, etc.).

The class gasped. The whole class was whispering to each other..............or I should say gossiping.

Kunikida pulled out his notebook and summoned a gun. He held both Chuuya and Crime Cat at gun point while he called the cops.
They were arrested immediately.

    After the police left the school, it was silent. Too silent. Mori hadn't come on the intercom again saying that the lockdown was over. Atsushi was still worried.

    The banging on the classroom door started again.

[920 words]

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