Chapter 2 - The Attack

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Warning - TW, Near Harm, Let Me Know If I Missed Any!

A/N : The Song I Listened To Is Here!


                                                   -Present Time-

Ev's POV

          I see Cat sneak out again as I'm reading a book in my window seat. I put my book down and say "Thats it.". As I put on my classic sweaters, jeans, sneakers, and belt with chain, I watch out the window to see where she goes so I can catch up /w her. After I finish getting properly dressed, I leave my house and start to follow Cat. After following her for awhile, we reach and go past the barrier, she sits down on a cliff and it takes awhile before she notices me.

Cat's POV

          "Oh good lord Ev, you scared me!" I say, frightened. "Sorry..." Ev replies in a pitiful voice. "Ugh, it's fine just don't do it again." I reply upsettingly. ( A/N is that a word???) Ev mumbles something before saying "SO, whatcha doin'?". "Just watching the ocean, it's very calming!" I reply.

          Suddenly, an arrow gets shot just missing my torso, and by the way it sounds, I know it came from a crossbow. "Pillagers..." I say frightened and startled. I stand up, getting ready to jump off the cliff. " CAT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Ev yells. I jump off the cliff and start soaring through the air, "wings" flapping behind me. I turn around to watch Ev.

          I watch her jump off the cliff aswell, but instead of flying, she was falling! "EV!" I call out. Then suddenly, she disappears into a cloud of fog. The cloud then goes in the water. I start seeing ripples close to the surface of a nearby island.

3rd POV

          As Cat lands on the island, a(n) axolotl climbs out of the water and onto the island. There's another cloud of smoke. All of a sudden, Ev is standing in front of Cat, completely dry! "You have a lot of explaining to do!" Cat says angrily. " I could say the same for you!" Ev shoots back.

Yayyyy another chapter done! I hope y'all like it! Anywho, seeya in the next chapter!


365 Words

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