#6- Maiden of Moon Clan

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Yusei's POV

   I was in the kitchen making breakfast. Tsuna and Gokudera ended up staying the night at my place. Luckly I have my house finished before this school year started. I have a room for everyone from the show. In other words, my house was it's own fort. So Tsuna, Gokudera, and Lambo was in there own rooms that was made especially for them.

    When I finished making everything, including the tea, both Tsuna and Gokudera was at the table already. But an unexpected happened, my phone started to ring.

🎶 She's a diva 🎶
🎶 So malicious 🎶
🎶 The way she walks and
The way she kisses 🎶
🎶 Cause I got a bad gir~l 🎶
🎶 The way she
And take control of me 🎶
🎶 She'll take the silence and🎶-

   I finally found where I place the phone and answered the call. Good thing to because I don't think the three of use could continue lisining to the ring tone.

"Morning Mrs. Miura, what can I do for you this morning?" I say nervously.

   I swore I heard two thuds behind me.

Phone= "Now, now. No need to be nervous. Besides, I'm letting that club you own great business. I don't think it's wrong of me to ask a favor," she says in a suductive tone.

    You see I own a dance-party like business club called the Sakura Diamond Moon. And I started running it on my own after my first year in Namimori. I didn't actually start going to the actual building till recently due to height. Mrs. Miura, despite being married is a lot of the guys dream woman. She can manipulate guys and have them around her finger without even betraying her marriage. Hints why I gave her that close to scandalous ring tone. And her favorite place to go to for business deals, is my club. Her plus men wanting to make her happy, equals lots of profit for my club.

"A favor? You already have a free pass into the building so it couldn't be that," I said thinking out loud.

Phone= "Right you are. You see, my daughter doesn't really have friends her age. And while her.... Talents are... Shall we say unquie. She lacks feness. My husband thinks her foolish, keep in mind he is a teacher, and that she should toss it away. And while I don't nessarlily think that, I do wish be more productive about it. That and I don't want all my lesions to go to waste. And I though who would be no better but combine the two together other than little old you! Plus my husband and I would like some time alone. So... Be a dear and let my little Haru stay the night with you," she says in a flare sweet manor.

   I sigh as I realize who she is talking about.

"It's no problem Mrs. Miura. She can when ever you need her to and she can stay as long as she wants," I tried to answer in a cheerful manor.

    Next thing I know, Mrs. Miura hung up on me. I sigh and put the phone away. I look back to see Tsuna and Gokudera blush then them rush to get back to eating. I sigh and get back to my seat.

~ Small time skip ~

   Today's outfit I just did black gloves and the typical school uniform. I finally had a decent sleep last night but I've been feeling restless. I was walking with Tsuna, as Gokudera had to leave early to go talk to the land lord before school. Reborn was joining us on the walk to school. As we walk to the school we find a girl, who I know is Haru, walking on the leg walling like Reborn.

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