The city of Alewood

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In the city of alewood, there was Faye creatures and human mix and they were all busy in different shops. In the center of the city, there were guards making an announcement for a prince. "There is going to be a royal ball for the crowning of the prince and everyone is invited and you can sign up to preform if you wish and you will get a thousand Jades." The amazing trixie and Lyrena along with many other npc were going to sign up. As for trixie, she ran up to guards first and said, "I the amazing trixie would love to sign up for the performance." The guard who was making the announcement, would answer her, "yes Miss but I don't write it down, you would have to talk to my assistant for now." The assistant would perk up and say, "ah yes Miss that would be me. I will be handling who is signing up and you would get a small area that you can perform along with other performers." Trixie would nervously smile and say excuse me to the guard before walk to assistant and signs up before the performers and lyrena signs up. The assistant would add to the conversation, "yes you would be the first to walk in a the area to redress and preform without real weapons."The guard would continue the announcement and say that, "the royal ball will start in two hours and you can bring your real weapons but they will have to be left in the weapon rack in a room." After that the announcement was finished and the guard steps down from the box.

To be continued...

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