Chapter #1: "The Institute"

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As I'm being walked down the hall, I see all the other rooms with all the other patients. They stop at a door, a room with a bed, my sanctuary until this is over, home. They take me into the room and without a second glace, they leave me. I sit here, in a pale white room, it seems lonely, but that doesn't bother me. I've always been used to the lonely rooms, with lonely walls, and lonely imaginary faces. The faces I make up. I lay there on the bed, my blond and brown hair tangled around my fingers, my deep blue eyes now pale blue, and my tan skin now pale, I'm just a pale body of skin and bones. Even with scars, my skin seems plain, the scars are invisible compared to my pale skin. Since when did I become so plain and lonely? I sit up on the bed, surprised by the squeak of the mattress, I slightly jump. I go over to the window, seeing the forest bellow. I breath in and out shakily breaths, calming any ounce of anxiety in my body. I lose it. I end up pounding on the floor out of frustration. Why did I let this get so far? Why'd she die? Why am I still alive? They come in with "medicine" and lay me down on the bed and leave.

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