Chapter #4: "The Funeral"

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Security comes into my room and picks me up by my bony arms, I yell. "Where are you taking me?!" they answer my question by taking me into one of the cars, hands cuffed. "Am I getting arrested?" the driver that I might've given a hard time when I was taken away smirked into the mirror, "I wish. someone as messed up as you belongs in prison, but no, that's not the case. your going to your little friends funeral. What a fun time, am I right?" I say a couple curse words and sit back. "Do I really have to face all of them?". He looks at me, "yeah, you do. You messed up. You don't get to commit a sin without approaching the devil himself. It's the price you pay for tinkering with an innocent life." I sit there and decide to shut up. I'm too tired to fight this crazy guy. Why am I calling him crazy? Because he's clearly crazy, speaking of the devil and stuff like that makes him so obviously crazy.

The car suddenly comes to a stop, the driver looks into the backseat and says, "are you ready for hell?" he slightly chuckles. Two security guards grab each of my arms and pull me out of the car. I look around and see her mom sobbing, her father comforting his wife, and everyone around doing the same. "No" I say, "I can't do this, take me back, please! I beg of you, just please, I'm not ready!". Her mom hears me, big mistake. She fast walks up to me, she looks at me and says,

"I thought I could trust you. She didn't deserve to die this way." I look at her, I quietly look at my shoes and say, "I- I didn't do it." she looks at me for a moment and slaps me, then yells. " Don't you dare lie to me, look at you. You can't even take credit for your own mistake?! So freaking immature of you! I knew she never deserved a friend like you!" I crumble to my knees, trembling, scared, and somewhat guilty for something I didn't do. I start to scream until one of the guards hit me with my "medicine". The pain hurts, what am I supposed to do? I've known the girl since birth, my best friend. Why did I get tied into this, why'd she do it, why can't I breath? I am all alone in this big world. Stuck in the same depressing spot that I can't change. I'm so small. I'm all alone. 

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