Chapter Two: Nightmare

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Varian stepped outside the temple. The moon had risen into the now indigo sky, and was surrounded by groups of twinkling stars. Varian looked up, and saw a few of the constellations he had read about; Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Cygnus, Aries, and Corona, for which the kingdom was named after.

He began making his trek out of the ruins. His father, Quirin, wouldn't be back from his trip to the Dark Kingdom until a week or so, but he needed to get home to fix himself dinner, bathe, and get some sleep. Varian planned on visiting the kingdom tomorrow and seeing Rapunzel and Eugene for the first time since the wedding. How he had missed them. After all, they were like the siblings he never had. What's more, he was going to surprise them with the visit. Varian had asked Queen Arianna permission and she had agreed to the idea. Even though there was a time in which he had been their enemy, that was all in the past. He had been forgiven long ago by both the kingdom and himself. As he walked closer to the edge of the ruins, the wind began picking up. He simply chalked it up to the season they were currently in. But, before Varian realized, the wind speed had grown incredibly fast, and strong. In fact, he could feel himself being lifted off the ground as it began to swirl around him, faster and faster, until it formed a sort of cyclone. He must have been a good 20 meters off the ground, when he heard it; a booming voice that sounded like thunder.

"Intruder! You shall be punished for your disrespect! I, the last leader of my people, hereby curse, you! You have until the next New Moon to break it. If you don't, you will remain bound to it for the rest of your miserable life! And just because I can't stand that mouth of yours..."

That's when he felt a tingling sensation in his throat. Something was making its way up his esophagus and it certainly wasn't puke. Varian gagged then coughed up what looked like a small orb of light.

"What's that?" the ball of light said. The young alchemist's eyes grew wide with horror. "Why is it saying what I'm trying to say?" When the orb spoke, it even sounded like him. "Oh, no! That's my voice!" It cried out. Varian grabbed at it, trying with all his might to reach the little ball. But he didn't even come close, because it floated up the center of the cyclone and into the clouds. The teen genius mouthed 'Come back!'. But no sound came from his mouth.

Suddenly, lightning began flashing all around him until, CRACK! It struck him. A shock wave was sent through his entire body. It felt as if his nerves were firing. But his nerves were fine; it was his DNA that wasn't. It was being torn apart, as human characteristics were ripped out and replaced by animal ones. Varian's mouth and nose grew into each other and became hard and hooked at the end forming a large beak. His fingernails turned black and sharp and the skin on his hands dried out. His head itched as hair changed to feathers and continued to grow down until they reached the middle of his back, ripping his tunic and vest in the process. A large pair of wings shot out of his shoulder blades. His steel-toed boots were ripping as they were becoming too tight and he kicked the remains off to reveal giant paws. The fur of the paws grew up his legs all the way to his belly. Lastly, a tail ripped through his trousers. The transformation was over and he blacked out after slowly landing on the ground.


The Next Morning

"You sure you don't need me stay, Sunshine?" Eugene asked Rapunzel for what seemed like the eighth billionth time. They were in their shared room in the castle and while they were talking, she was on a ladder, busy decorating the walls and ceiling. She was painting scenes from their life together and so far it was coming out quite nicely. The colors of the artwork really livened up the room, especially when hit by the sunlight. When Rapunzel spoke to Eugene, she didn't turn her complete attention to him, still focusing on the doodle she was painting.

"I know you've been planning this camping trip since before we got back, and that was almost a month ago. You and Lance need some buddy time, and I'm sure you'll have a blast. Besides the fact that Mom and Dad are here, I can take care of myself."

"But you don't have magical hair to protect you anymore and Cassandra has left to go adventuring. What if something happens while I'm gone? We have made quite a few enemies in the past, so what if they decide take revenge and I'm not here to save you? I'll tell you what, I would never forgive myself!" Rapunzel climbed down and looked him in eyes, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I'll be fine, Eugene. Pascal and I will be fine. You don't have to worry. Besides it's only for a couple of days." Eugene planted a kiss on his wife's forehead.

"I love you. Please be careful."

"I love you too and I will." Then Eugene left to get Lance so they could get to the lake before dark. After she finished painting, Rapunzel went down to the kitchen to grab lunch. Queen Arianna was there speaking with the cook. "Hi, Mom." she said, running up to give her mother a hug.

"So, did you like the surprise?" the queen asked. When her daughter gave her a confused look, she elaborated. "Didn't Varian come to visit you and Eugene?" Rapunzel shook her head.

"I haven't seen him since our wedding." The queen frowned.

"That's strange, he said he was planning on surprising you with a visit. Rapunzel, maybe you should go to Old Corona. Something about this doesn't feel right."

"You read my mind." the princess replied. She packed an overnight bag, grabbed Pascal, and told her parents goodbye then headed to the stables.

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