Chapter Five: Dream Weaver

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Rapunzel gazed up at the big creature in both amazement and fear. The eagle/lion, however, did not look menacing in any way. In fact, it looked sad and it wouldn't look her in the eye, as if ashamed to be seen. There was something familiar about the griffin as well. Examining it, she realized why. There were turquoise feathers sticking out of it's black head plumage, that in fact, resembled hair. Nestled atop its head, were a pair of steampunk goggles. The creature was even wearing the same torn pants that her young alchemist friend had been seen in only minutes before. The princess stepped closer, reached her hand out, and gently placed it on the griffin's forehead. Finally, it's eyes met hers, the same sad blue eyes that the dirty teenager had been sporting. Their eyes locked for a mere second, then the creature reached a large talon toward Rapunzel's wrist, took it, and removed her hand from its place. It turned its head in shame and, to the princess's surprise, spoke.

"I can't go back with you to Corona, you know? I... I have to stay here. The curse binds me to this place and it's the only way I'll stay human. Sure, I can't talk and I'll probably never see my father again but, this is the way it has to be."

"No, Varian, please? There has to be a way to break the curse. What if we...?" He interupted her.

"It's ironic really. I've always dreamed of flying, but now that I have wings, I don't want them. I just want to be myself again." He looked at her with a sad half smile and his next words nearly broke her heart. "You and Eugene, you're married now, you don't need me anymore. Rapunzel, don't worry about me, I'll be okay. And you'll always be the big sister I never had."

"Varian, don't think like that, okay? We'll figure something out, together. Maybe, maybe you can stay at the castle until we do? I'm sure we can find room for you."

"Thanks for the offer, but what do you think people are going to do when they see a monster following their princess into the kingdom?"

"But you're not a monster!" Rapunzel protested.

"Look at me, Rapunzel!" the griffin snapped. "I'm a freak of nature, okay? Not quite a lion, not quite a bird, and definitely not human! The moment I step foot in Corona they... they will... Agh! He winced in pain, fell back on his haunches, and rubbed his talons on his forehead.

"What's wrong?" the princess asked him worriedly.

"I... I get these massive headaches when I'm in direct sunlight." he told her. "I need to get back to the temple."

"I'm coming with you then."

"Go home, Rapunzel." he grumbled to her quietly. "You can't help me this time." he stood up on all fours and disappeared into the trees. Moments later, he reappeared on the other side of the line, back in human form. Varian waved goodbye to her, and then took off in the direction of the golden temple.


"What am I going to do, Pascal?" the princess asked her chameleon friend. "It's like he's given up. On hope, on friendship, on ever being human again, he won't even try!" She sat there, frustrated and emotionally drained from her encounter with Varian.

Rapunzel suddenly burst out, "Why won't he let me help?!" A few birds flew out of the trees, startled by her shout. It was noon already, and the horse had returned with a note and some supplies from her parents. She almost felt like sending another letter to them, to explain what had happened physically and emotionally to their Royal Engineer. How he had fallen into a deep, dark, depression, and that he wouldn't be returning to Corona. That they would most likely never see him again. The very thought brought tears to her eyes. He had said she was like a sister to him, so it felt like she was losing her brother. The only other adopted sibling she had was Cassandra. The princess smiled at the thought of her and she pictured Cass battling some villain with sword in hand.

"What would she say in a time like this?" Rapunzel wondered out loud. As she thought about it, she realized Cassandra wouldn't take 'no' for an answer and would stand her ground. She would help their friend even if he specifically told her not to. In fact, that probably would motivate her even more. Cass wouldn't give up on Varian, even if he had given up on himself. With new found confidence, the princess stood up. She quickly packed up the stallion with all the camping gear, picked some fruit from the local foliage, stashed it in a saddle bag, and mounted the horse. She was ready as she ever would be.

"Pascal?" she called for the chameleon. He chirped and climbed up onto her shoulder. "Let's go to the temple! We're going help Varian, whether he wants us to or not!" They headed for the ruins.

It was it about to downpour when the being who was spying on them, stepped out from the brush. And this time, it wasn't Varian. An evil voice chuckled and a crossbow was loaded.

"That's right princess, go on. Lead me toward my prey." Lightning cracked through the clouds and another wicked laugh came from the villain when thunder boomed in the sky. "And thanks to you, I know he won't put up a fight!" The hunter pulled his hood over his head and with great agility, carefully followed Rapunzel and Pascal. Without knowing, they were playing right into his hands. Breaking the curse now became a deadly race against time and if Varian didn't succeed, it could cost him his life.

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