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I met him at a party. Nothing like the movies, or anything special. A party that I hadn't particularly wanted to go to.


I've never been one to dress uptight but when Willow held up a full black outfit that consisted of fishnet tights, knee-high boots, a bralette, a mini skirt, and a brown flannel, my eyes widened.

"People will look at me weird if I wear that," I groan. "Iris, will you shut up for once and put the outfit on." She rolls her eyes, forcing me to try the outfit on. I give up and take it out of her hands, quickly pulling the materials onto my body.

After doing so, I look into the mirror. "Fine, let's go before I change my mind." I huff. She jumps around, happy with her convincing and runs out of the house to her car.

Willow spends the whole drive screaming the lyrics to some of her favorite songs. I smile at her offkey singing and look back down to my book.

She fixes her makeup slightly before jumping out of the car and walking into the house where many intoxicated teenagers are standing.

"Hey, I'm going to go sit down somewhere and read. Text or call if you need anything." I tell Willow, her nodding in response.

I spot a few couches in the living room and sit down on one where a boy is sitting silently, to himself.

Everyone around us makes small talk as I continue to read. "What are you reading?" He speaks up, leaning over my head to see the book I have read many times before. "Little women," I reply.

"Can I read a few pages?" He surprises me. "Oh yeah sure." I handed him the book.

After a few minutes of me nervously biting the inside of my cheek to see if he would like my favorite book he finally gives it back.

"That's pretty good. I'll have to get a copy myself. Surprised I haven't read it yet." He shrugs. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

He chuckles, noticing my nerves, and starts a conversation about the only thing I love more than reading, writing. I tell him all about the stories I have started and how I've been struggling to choose which one to continue. He tells me that he has to read them some time now since I've made them so interesting.

I decline at first but then I realize having a second voice could help so I tell him that he will be able to eventually.

He's really pretty and it's hard to deny I'm attracted to him.

"Your outfit is cool." He says, causing my stomach to do flips. "Thank you. Yours too." I smile. He smiles back.

I feel my phone ring in the flannel pocket and lift it to reveal Willow's name.

Willow: meet me ib kutvhen

Great, she's drunk.

Instead of replying, I kiss him and quickly stand up.


His eyes widened, startled, before he questioned, "What was that?" Causing me to panic. "Sorry, I'm drunk." I lie, hoping he'll eat up my bullshit. He furrows his brows and then shrugs his shoulders like he doesn't care, thank god.

I make my way to the kitchen and find Willow hurled over the sink, emptying her insides of the liquor.

"Willow we're leaving right now," I shout. She turns around with vomit around her mouth. "Can I stay at your house tonight? My dad will kill me." I nod and take her hand, leading her to the car. I have her get in the backseat, laying down and I climb into the driver's side.

"I kissed a boy," I mumble. She springs up into her seat and grabs onto my shoulders from behind me. "What! What was his name?" She practically shouts. "Can I be honest?" My features dropped slightly because of my answer. I see her nod in the mirror and give her the answer I wish I didn't have. "I don't know."


Our relationship was built on a lie. We were at a party and I sat next to him on a couch. People talked to both of us and I ended up kissing the cute boy next to me that I talked to for at least 2 hours before Willow texted me. He asked why I did it and the only response I came up with was "I'm drunk." I was far from it that night. I knew exactly what I was doing but he didn't have to know that.

//Authors note: this is lowkey so confusing to read but I'll try to explain it, it's basically switching between her more "current self" telling the story and then the actual moment of the story she's telling if that makes any sense at all..

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